The Winona Times from Winona, Mississippi (2024)

We understand that the Vicks- A Pleasant Social Erest Methodist Meeliof at Kilmichael. Town and County. h-: Col. Jety came up from the delta Saturday. W.

B. Sides, of Lexington, was in town MisaOllie Jones is visiting relatives in Columbus. WE BRIDGE COMPETITION vi'li I. i.rices m.i quality and "le right over Our bargains are is hot as i lie wentber in bigh grade building lumber Those who in-Hml luiildiag should cecure their Htlit.shingli-a from our well-seas- ned stock. R.T.'GAYDEN.

Notice. For nice homrs -in. (he country near town, or in town, see BARTLETT MYERS at their s'ore on Summit street, Misg FOR HALE! Fn twenty to thirty acres Of land mile Irani the corporation. Apply at thi3 office for information, i Good work and the best goods at Penn's. Give him a trial.

The QucU and Best CURE FOR CHILLS AND FEV IS ROGERS BLUE CHILL CURE. Prepared in Tablets and Tasteless Syrap. Thts preparation is the most powerful blood bnilfler known to cience. It wtll replenish the lied Blood Corpuscles t.o ranidly taat 8 days treatment will completely eradicate chills, flyers anil all forma of malaria. One Small Bottle vuiti nil; ht, iwct i aairme uw.

EmWt Tiiks Please allow me to announce through your columns that the 3rd Quarterly Conference for the Vaiden Circuit will be held at Kilmichael 1st Saturday and Sunday in August, 3rd and 4th proximo. The services on this oc cosion will be continued into the following week, and revival meet ings will be held for snme days The pastor will be assisted by visiting ministers. H-T. C'UNNIKGHAM. Pastor.

Obituary. On last Wednesday evenfng iht Death Angel visited the home of Mr. an.i Mrs. J. N.

Little of McCar ley and cUimed from them their darling treasure, little Wept Ad pm tie remained but a short time to brighten their home; but tiod tnew best is work. are ways for our good. To the erie stricken parents we would say, for tnem to grieve not, Una alone can comfort them in their sad bereave raent; no human heart can feel, no human hand can measure the lofu to them. None but God ran enter the borne and repair it. Weep no dear parents your lofs is his eternal gain, and while you are in a world or trouble, vour dear treasure has gone to live with our dear Saviour.

He has prepared a bright and beautiful home beyond the grave, and his spirit will wait only a brief pe nod of time when in sweetness and love he wilt meet you all to be separated no more. May the God of Mercy watch over and protect them and may he place to their aching hearts the consolation that their dear one has suffered the last pain on earth and has gone home to Loaven. A Friesd On last Friday Mr. T. J.

Whit head, received by express 18 pigeons from Ilrail Van De Wall, of Mirhawka, with orders to free them and note the time. Mr. Whitehead freed tbem at 6 10 a. ui. ciuiuiuuy nui no phjb nioj DTniintBil in arri ve their hnmB expeotea at tneir nonie that day." The distance IS over (500 ji 4- 4u.

lin.n ir. miles and tOCOVerthlS distance in .1. i his time is certainly; "remarkable traveling. A negro tramp had his leg cut eft yesterday ft Iter noon by falling urj. der a train in the Southern yards.

M. vw rx. l)r Hart of l.nrli. is ViRinn h'etson, Henry Hart. CtwJ).

L.Sweatman and Miss Mary left Whssday for Chicago. Charlec Howard is on a business irip to Holly Springs this week. On Jast Wednesday evening Miss Ruth Dunstan entertained a small party of Winona's elite, the occa sion being in honor of her visitors, Misses Fooseand Critz. Miss Ruth, the charming hostess, was assisted by Mias Malquin Bank-ston, and they, with their thoughtful consideration for the enjoyment and pleasare of all, flitted from couple to couple, radiating smiles and sunshine wherever they, went, seeing that no two were allowed too long a tete tele with each other, buc that the pleasure of each one present be added to by the presence of every other. The yard was nicely arranged with Japanese lanterns and seats arranged in cozy nooks, where the beaux gallant were given only a short time to whisper sweet words to their lady love.

i ne earlier part of the evening was spent in conversation. About eleven o'clock a prize contest took piacfl, nr. Will Kelly and Miss Emma Peaco*ck being the successful contestants. The prize, a beautiful paper knife, was presented by Mr. Edmunds Whitehead with a few appropriate rem irks.

Delightful refreshments were then served by the hostess in her charming manner, adding to the already unspeakable pleasure of the occasion. After this beautiful music was rendered for a short time, after which, the wee etna' hours having arrived, the guests took their departure with warm hand: shakes and hearty tbanks to their cnarming hostess for a most enjoy able evening. Mrs Willis Wright was painfully injured by a cow last Wednesday; she was trying to protect a litt'e child from the fury of the beast, when she became tne object of the cow vicious mood. AV. T.

Atkins, who W. ahl his wife's remains here for interment, returned on Thursday to his home in Kansas City. Mr. Atkins has a host of friends in this and adjoin" ing counties who deeply sympathize with him in his great afflio tion, Mian T.nnfl Wilkins. of Duck Hi" was in Winona Wednesday and attended the picnic at Staflords well Thursday.

0 Mrs, Burt and Miss Kate Biirt.of near Etkrideewere the guestsof Mrs Walter Burt the first of the week. Joe Farmer, who has been recuperating at home, has accepted a position as flagman on the I. C. Mr. and Mrs J.

M. Dorns, tf Fboenix. Arizona, are visiting rela-' tives in Montgomery county. Mrs Leigh Fox and Miss Ida Belle Fox, of CarroUton, were visi tors in our city this week. Miss Madge Qui nn, of McComb the pleasant guest of friends and relatives in Winona.

1 Mr. Oliver," of Duck Hill, is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. Morgan, this week. Calvin Patterson will soon begin building a residence on his lot ad joining John 8cruggs.

Mrs: J. W. Green and little son, of Ittta Bena. are visiting Mrs. John Staples this week.

Ben- Neal, returned to hff borne in the delta, accompanied by Miss Pearl Kandle. The improvements being made on the Hetnodist parsonage ra nearisg completion. John Townarad. from Alva, was in town Wednesday sinking haDdi witn many Orltmio irtJTand ki of art v.i:k3 hit fr' i bxa. 'ttfr'3" rr lt 3 'Ti -1 it burg Newspaper Union has con nected itself with the Winona Democrat and will soon make tb.t paper a eemi-weeklv Mr.

Moore. of Vicksburg, baa assumed control of the Union' interest. He is genial and energetic and we join with the whole commuuity iu wefcom ing him among Times. Our esteemed contempoary has evidently been misinformed. The Democrat is not and will not be connected in ny manner with the Vicksburg Newspaper union.

Mr. Moore, who will associate himself with us in the paper, once employed by the Union at Vicks burg and this fact is probably re-pontrible "lor the error. Wicoua Democrat. The I'lufcs cheerfully reproduces the above irona its neighbor. We regret having published it, but in justice to ourselves we will say that only published a current report, which probably originated in the fact that the office material was shipped here in the name of Mr.

Montgomery who is manager of tiie Vicksburu Newppaper Union. The' popular manager of the Cumberland Telephone Company in Winona, Mr. alley, has had on exhibition this week a Cabinet Tel ephone. It is made in the shape of a small desk, in fact can be used as one It is a handsome arrangement and would add Very much to the furniture of a room. The rates on this kind will be $2.00 per month.

Tin following couples enjoyed a drive to Stafford's Wells Monday night: titer Bach man and Miss Lena IVtUtr; Charlie Bailey and Miria f'on fitiip.lii'af.f' Turner Misj AUidee Moire, Jennings Wadsworth and Mhs Lil-lie Mitchell; Ben Bnpkervi'Ic and Miss Uirda R.isanrinrl; Jeff Harl and Miss 1ay Claud Pearson Mr. WnlHamg and family, of Ya- HoO City, will occupy Mrs. Hamer's 'residence on Montgomery Ave Wllliamg will tuai(BKeoil mill lie attended the same college winch the editor did, as a member of the same society, and it is with much pleasure ihat we welcome him and bis family to Our town. At the B. Y.

P. U. Friday night Prof A. J. Aven, oj Mississippi College.

fill deliver his lecture on Valoe of Bible Swirly Thi3 i a Splendid lecture and will he interesting to both young and old. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present. W. the rtpulrfi' -operator at the Western Union here, has been quite sick recently. While sick, he has relieved by Mr.

Julian, of Jackson, who is probably the youngest operator in the state. Ernest Scott, of Copian county, spent a short while with his relatives, Dr. Z. J. Scott and family in Winona recently.

ttrnest was a schoolmate of the writer's and is a splendid young man in every re spect. Gov. A H. Longi no spent a while in Winona Wednesday en route to JackBon from Greenville where he went to look into tne matter concerning the lynching of the Italians at Hirwin, miss. Rev J.

C. Park.who has been ap pointed president of the- State League, which convenes at the Sea bnore tamp urounas next weex, will leave next Monday to preside over that grand body. Mr. Jamei OrMn.fbfmarly of this eosntrfbut now of Itta thiousa Winona (the first of the weak en route to Indian Territory, ptoepettBt. Mrs.

Mitphell to have a ctyri ai tht orrt It August 8. It will bs ai tater bey, i. wilt aadr 09 i Taoieis ac. Ko '-ure. wo ray: AS A TONIC for pale, weakly children and anem1(! women, we guarantee the most satis- factory results: there is nothing that will build i tliem soraptdly.

Try It and If you are riot sat- we will refund vour money. Manufactnr- by Roger? dkvu and for sate by SON-RESIDENT NOTICE State of Mississippi, to Monroe P1)inSon, Defetidaut. i Au ari? viinujariuru it. uciui i.u.. Charlie Mortimer has charge of tne nays Ureek school.

Rev B. Allen returned Tuesday from a visit to Clinton. Postoffice Inspector hopo is at; i rv jjuluo irum a visit 10 exas. Rev. J.

R. Huhu. of Greenwood, was a visitor to Winona Saturday. Rev. Thames, of Vaiden, is visiting his daughter, Mrs.

S. G. Armstrong Watt Grav, of Tfta Bena. among friends in Winona the of the week. was first Quite a large crowd from Winona attended the picnic yesterday at Stafford's Wells.

W. H. Hudson, representing the American Book Company, was in Winona Monday Mrs. E. D.

Powell and Mies Lu cia Alexander, of Duck Hill, spent Monday in Winona. Ben Ward, who id now living in spending a few days with nometoias in winoiia, 0 Fallon Foster? of IT mis ton, was the guest of her friend, Miss Fannie Rowe, this weelr. Walter Townsend, 'an old Montgomery county boy who now lives in Itta Benn, was in Winona Mon day. 1 II.1" Mrs. Leon a Ingram, after a viit of several days to 'her sister, Mrs.

I 's sjnin the guest of lfcri brother, Jones Harvey, i I Vatr jrl wood wood, paeetd through Winona. through to the Convention af Chicago VMUU VU it'll VM VIIU', AJm V- I Estln B., of iTidiannla, passed through Wibooa Monchy en route to nis uome -iroiu Mississippi Cojlege where he has just completed the B. S. course.

Collection Sunday at do rsd Baptist Church a mounted to $421 and paid off all indebtedness. pastor, Rev. W. H. Jernagin, has taken in 25 new members and collected over $500 dollars during the month he has been here.

We call attention to the announcement of Messrs. Reagan Tollison in regard to the tent lunch house they, have started. They ure prepared to furnish first class meals and lunches at very low rales. The followfhg from Grenada attended the picnic at Stafford's Wells yesterday: MesdamesCliatn-, berlin, Adams, Horton, Morrison, McCord, Roane, J. Dudley, W.

Smith and daughter, Willie. Co. of Greenville, and Co. of Itta Bena, passed through Winona Monday en route to the en-t, At. Cftfitalian -'Bonnes.

While here the 1st regimental band kindly favored our people with some very fine (in MondaV Mrs. H. 'W. Lamb AiA a. her home in North Wino The remains were Carried to stott.rt for burial.

The TIMES ex tends its deepest sympathy to its friend, H. W. LantrMnd family In their sad bereavement. May the God of compassion comfort taetn thm fallowing detente left Tues day to attend the International B. Y.

B. U. Cewreatton at Chfco, la now in s-atfon: t'r. A. Mr.

Gi- wfcl i 1 A -1 Flake, Bv. u. v. Noriaa r. tv, in said state, on the third 3rd,) Mon- 1 dav of January.

A 1902 to defend the' eult in said court of Onie wherein you are delendant. C- T. Wittv, Clerk. Bill Slnsnn. Att'fn for finmnlainant i 'WSMh RfiPSS lleplatot The Best Liver Largest Package on the Karkftt.

Om Faekafe After mflertng from lodlReittoti and dyapcwSa tor Mren. yer ami tryjnf o' tha hoc. In two mtmtea in obtain reftaf and. with nn tonMSt. I.

t. i procured a package of Bamon'i Tonic Befuiator and tuwd it aeoordint to Aur-- and by the Brat ol iolr I could eat Amou anTthlniraiid diaat It. I gidiied til and tMQKtb.i 1 cannot speak too It far tsvad iar Hi. ai. Vary Seighbon, LarUosrllle, Ala.

boaiTIPC. Frot'M, tttomii.H fauu i 1 1 Frica lac. Firs toe 11.00. 0 to learn the Tut j. 'a That some people never people do.

most pecple pttr nixt. 1 4 i tit.

The Winona Times from Winona, Mississippi (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.