The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

1 SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915 CLEVELAND. PLAIN DEALER PAGE ELEVEN CONTESTS Bright Sayings 3. "Long Way to This Story Brings Sender $2. Little Charles came running out to met his auntie who was coming down the street. "Oh, auntie," he said, "mayn't I Fo with you today?" "Not today, Charles," "she said, am going over on the West Side, it's too far for you to go.

It's a long, long way." He looked up in his wise little and said: "Is you going to Tipperary?" Middlefeld, 0. ROSE PATCHIN. 1 Neglected Education. We were leisurely walking In the park, A genteel middle aged woman sat on park bench. Open admiretion and interest was depicted in her face as she watched our little 3-yearold miss bounding ahead of us.

'Nice 'do, dearie. Whose lady. Want tom tanny? Tom bave tweet 'itty potty is 'ou? Tom nice piece tanny." Little 3-year-old miss stopped stone still. eyes opened wide in ellent wonder, little, sho looked into the kindly eyes of the lady. Then very distinctly her little voice rang out with you talk plain yet?" 'H.

A. "There Shall be Born," Etc. One day my father was holding my little sister on- his knee and ho said teasingly: "Peggy, when you get to be a big low to come to see you because you're 1 you'll. never be able to ret a felso homely." She looked up at; him very soberly and said: "Papa, couldn't I get a homely fellow to match?" After the Old Masters. While' lying on the couch one day, 4-year-old Eveline came running to me.

I put my arm' around her and she laid her head on my shoulder. She was quiet a minute and then said: "Cousin May, we look Just like Mrs. Jesus and Baby Jesus." E. M. S.

Quite a Burden. Little Jack: "Mother; Jimmy Brown's father's side must hurt pretty sometimes." Mother: "Why, dear?" Little Jack: "Well, Jimmy. said there were five uncles and three aunts on his father's side." E. M. P.

God's Matches. One night we were sitting on the porch as a thunder storm was approaching. Papa was smoking and Just as he lit a match and the light named up, a flash of lightning lit up the sky. Willie, aged 4, turned to his papa and said. "Papa, that was God striking matches wasn't 1 Why They Wore them.

Osborne, aged 4 1-2, was an interested obsorver of feminine attire. Returning from Sunday school one summer Sunday when the little girls were bright in their white dresses and ribbons, he inquired; "Mother, why do the little girls wear those big bows On being told. it was to make them look pretty he replied seriously; "Oh, that's it?" I thought it was 80 it wouldn't hurt when they fall down." MRS. E. C.

No Cause for Alarm. "Do your shoes. pinch your feet, dearie?" questioned the mother. (The boy was amall, the shoes were new.) 13 "No mother. I can wink my toes in them." G.

A. S. Last Resort. Harold, 4, had used the word until he had to be punished to break him of the habit. One Saturday, when the family were at their cottage at Turkeyfoot Lake, the father was out in a boat and found fishing so interesting that he paid no need to: the repeated calls to supper.

Patience was almost exhausted when Harold was ween at the end of the dock arid heard screaming 'Ishkablddle" at the top of his voice. When his mother asked him what he meant by doing that, he answered: "Why, mama, don't you think papa will come In to whip me when he hears M. L. LEIGHLEY. Always Butting In.

Morgan, age 8, is very fond of wear- Chance to Change. Thare had been a rood deal of taking Ing a belt and of drawing it a little too tight. On one occasion, after drawing it up to a dangerous degree of snugness, his mother came to the rescue, and adJusted the belt for him. Whereupon Morgan exclalmed: "Oh, dear, how I wish a fellow could dress just once without a girl trying to show him how." MRS. WALTER ALLMAN.

Toledo, Knew Important Fact. It was on the occasion of Lincoln's birthday and the Sunday school superIntendent asked; anyone' of you children know anything about Lincoln?" Little Harold arose, looked around and said very solemnly: "He's dead." MRS. JOSEPH I. Newell, W. Va.

Made Up for It. I was dressing our little daughter Marjorie, aged 2 1-2, to go for a walk. Being very mischievous that day shel would not stand still. I very ly said to her: "Marjorie, you are a bad girl, you don't give mamma, a minute's peace." She went kitchen and came back with a piece of bread "Here la a piece for you murver, dear. MRS.

E. L. DUNN. $303 Lorain-av, City. 34 No Express Car.

Dorothy Roberts, age 3, was sent upstairs to fetch pair of stockings. While she WAS slowly tacending the stairs, her mother called to ber to hurry. She replied, "What do you suppose I am, an elevator?" MRS. E. R.

OCEAN STEAMERS. OCEAN STEAMERS. PLAN TO COME HOME From California Through the Panama 11 Canal Quick Service- Regular Sailings SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK Splendid Large American Trans-Atlantic Liners 22,000 Tons Displacement First Cabin INCLUDING Intermediate MEALS $125 and up AND BERTH $60 and up 4. ALSO COMBINATION TICKETS BY RAIL TO CALIFORN ALL WATER ROUTE PANAMA PACIFIC LINE 9 Broadway, N. Y.

Or Any Railroad or Steamship Agent, INTAGARA TO THE SEA summer met 7-year-old girl who looked her over with frank Interest and you married? The answer was that she had been looking for husband for some time, but couldn't scom to And one. The child conaldered this a moment, and then why don't you move to town where they don't know you?" M. W. 1914 E. Cleveland.

4 scenery. Particularly beautiful are Canada's rivers. The Niagara-to-the-Sea route taken by the splendid steamers of the F- Canada Steamship Lines, is mainly over rivers -first the islanddotted St. Lawrence, then the glorious Saguenay, with its. Cliffs and the famous Capes "Trinity" and "Eternity." words nor pictures car give any conception of their majestic beauty You'll get some slight idea of them by reading "Niagara to the Sea." New edition of this book beautifully Illustrated, Just off the press.

Sent for it, with 6 cents in stamps to cover the cost mailing. Thos. Henry, Passenger Tramo. Manager, Canada Steamshin Lines. Limited 98-100 Victoria Square, Montreal Canyon- -LikeAwe- -InspiringNature at Her Best: THERE'S an unusual charm about Canadian STEAMERS.

LAKE STEAMERS. Fares from Niagara Falla: To Montreal and return $18.56 To. Quebec and return $25.90 To Saguenay River and $34.55 LAKE A Week's Georgian Bay, the Soo Lake. Tour and Mackinac A Islands 74; Commencing JULY 5 Star Cole Line Steamer "Huron" FOR (From D. O.

Piers, E. 9th St.) Rooms and meals that are the best. A limited ber of When passengers Considering only, Your insuring Vacation safety Trip and Don't comfort. Including Overlook This One. Meals and berth Information and Tickets EVERY MONDAY NOON Collver Miller, Agents, 7 Taylor Arcade A Vacation Trip -on a Freight Finest Fresh Water Cruise in the World Port Huron to Duluth and Return 1400 Round Trip' and Miles $30.00 Berth- Children Under 12, Half Fare -Equipped With Wireless leave Port Huron, foot of Thomas Street, every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 P.

M. For Illustrated Booklet and Further Information Write W. S. JENKS, General Passenger Agent PORT HURON DULUTH STEAMSHIP PORT HURON, MICH. A WEEK'S CRUISE, $40.

Meals and INCLUDED Berth from Cleveland, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Duluth or Georgian Bay ports and -2200 mile trip on Four Lakes on one of the big new Cruising ships "North American" "South American" 1 Weekly Cruises June 26 to August 20 Cruises July 3 to August Cleveland Sat. 10:00 p.m. Mackinse 1:00 1:30 p.m. Ar. Bun.

11:00 The p.m. Buffalo Sun. 8:30 P. FL. 8:30 Detrolt Mon.

4:00 m. 6:00 Owen 6d. Tues. 4:30 Duluth 0:30 Mackinge Wed. 3:30 Dututh 10:00 Ar.

Chleago Thurs. 9:30 2:00 Chicago 1:30 Owen 8:00 Mach insa 1:00 130 Ar. Detrok Clevolend 12:00 7:30 noon Mackinas 0130 Chicero 8:00 Prat two trips leave one day Duluth corler than shown above The New Ships "North American" and "South Passenger Service Exclusivelyare equipped to give a service equal to the best Atlantic Liners. These magnificent steamships have many 1. novations for travel, comfort and amusem*nt-a ball' deck room, an games.

orchestra, All these children's are free. open air Steamer play grounds: chairs and and steamer rugs available. Dining Service the best Master Steward and Chef can Produce. Either trip offers a most enjoyable week of rest and recreation -2200 Miles of Beautiful Scenery, Shore Line, Islands, Rivers, Stops of several bours made at all principal points, giving ample time to see the sights, 12 Days' Cruise $75-3600 mile trip TICKEts Call or write for pamphlet and full information about SOLD FOR The Lake Trips That Have No Equal OF ANY TRIPS PART Chicago, Duluth Georgian Bay Transit Co. COLLVER MILLER, Agents, 7 Taylor Arcade and 714 Euclid Cleveland, Ohlo Spend Your Vacation at Ohio's Prettiest and Most Popular Summer Resort Lake Brady Day or Week or.

Monthly Hotel Cottages Accommodation I Park Weekly Rates Reasonable Write for Reservations Bathing, Boating, Dancing, Fishing. LOCATED and the Electric Akron, Kant and Ravenna Diriaion of Pittaburg the N. O. Division T. of the 00., Alliance Pennsylvants R.

Clave R. Write for Descriptive Circular. Water Nearly Equals the Famous Cambridge Springs. Lake Brady Park -D. G.

HARTMAN, Lake Brady, Ohio. 4.. OCEAN STEAMERS. CUNARD Established 1840. EUROPE via LIVERPOOL, Saxonia 3,10 A.M.

Orduna July 17, 10 A.M. Tuscania July 23, 5 P.M. Savonia July 31, 10 A.M. ROUND THE WORLD TOURS Through bookings to all principal Ports of the World. COMPANT'S OFFICE, STATE ST.

N. Y. OR LOCAL AGENTS. FRENCH LINE Compagnie Generale Transatlantiqu3 POSTAL SERTION From Seillan NEW YORK to BORDEAUX P. M.

July 10, 3 P. July 17, 3 P. NIAGARA. 24, 3 P. M.

FOR INFORMATION APPLY Folamas 733 CaeUt J. 0. Warmer Son. 609 Saportee N. CoUver MiDer.

7 Taylor cade: Renry Frira, 809 Broadway; 1463 W. eta St. Cleveland I Norwegian America Line win Serew Her Kristianiafford, July 3 :16,000 tona Under Noutral Flag and route north of Away from War and Mine Zones Scandinavia Direct Close connections for Principal European Cities. up; 21 class, Passenger Once, 8-10 Bridge N. SUBURBAN RAILWAYS.

Lake Shore Electric Ry. Effective June 20, 1915; Eastern Time. Limiteds to Lorain, Elyria, Vermilion, Sandusky, Norwalk, Bollevue, Clyde, Premont, Lima, Toledo and Detroit, 7:30. 9:30, 11:80 1:80, 8:80, 6:80, 7:80. 0:30 p.

tn. 6:00, $7:00, 8:00. 00. 10:00. 1:100, 2:00, $8:00, 4:00, 14:45, 15:30, 6:00.

8:00, 19:00, 10 00, $11:15, p. m. Beach Park only. To Lorain only. Vermilion only.

Norwalk and San. dusky, 8.30 m. Limited, last through car to 7:80 a. m. and 6:30 In, through to 8:00 p.


West Electric Mod. hotel overlooking Lake Erie; home cooking, table supplied from our own garden and dairy, Good fishing. boating. bathing, lawn A few tennis, lots dancing and other amusem*nta, for sale for homes, nined for water and wired for elect. light.

Write C. S. Ruggles. Route 2, Huron. for rates and reservations.

Paved Hoad (Market No 18) passes the resort, LAKE BRADY PARK Cottages for rent at reasonable. rates. Total now open. -Pleasant rooms, rood 1g. Dinner, dancing, luncheon and auto arties served.

Special Gab and chicken inners Sundays. Write or Phone D. G. Mgr. Lake Brady, Kent, 0.

OCEAN STEAMERS A Grand Vacation Cruise No Heat, No Hay Fever 12 Visitin DAY A Loreign America 6009 la novelty a and Visiting and ST. America, Red Cross Line tearlet STEPHANO and and FLOR con safety de trip Inclados every assuatial ea dare la port. Splendid coisina, Ship hotel for the satire trio. Write booklet wring Compaay, 17 Battery Pl. M.

1 LOCAL AND HOTELS AND RESORTS. ROSSMORE INN Stop Shore Line. naique inn. minutes from Public Square. Every modern Bathins.

Billiards, Tennis, ato. You'll enjoy your vacation bere. Sandays $1 per plate--Daily, per plate. CHICKEN DINNERS. Kindly make reservations in advance wbau posal ble.

Celebrate Independence Day by attending Grand Race Meeting July 5th. 6th and 7th at Silver Lake Park. Over 30 amusem*nt departments. The Silver Lake Park Co. OUTAIIOGA FALLS.

OHIO LOCAL AND SUBURUAN HOTEL AND Griswold Hotel, Geneva, Ohio Beautiful shady yard. Excellent delightful home few weeks' Spectal Sunday and Holiday Dinners. 4 Send us the brightest thing your child over We are going to print as mazy as possible of these Bright Suyings and for one each week we are going 10 pay Two Dollars. Address Bright Sayings Editor, Plain Dealer. about what.

would happen when celebrated our twenty-Afth annigersary. well My 8-year-old daughter became greatly concerned and asked, "What do they do when they have We explained that the regular wedding ceremonies information were brought performed the again. question, This "And it you don't forth. man you've got, can you change him for another?" MRS. G.

La. Iron-Jawed Moths. We had been talking of a dress destroyed by moths. The, next day my little son, aged 8, came running into the room, holding up the colander exclaiming: "Oh, mamma, mamma, look what the 'molls' -t M. W.

Quite a Spill. It was Alvie first view of Lake Erie. After casing at it for some time, he remarked, "Gee! I wish they'd pull the plug so I could see the water run out. Chagrin Falls, 0. MRS.

G. 8. Ominous Noise. My littfe girl came running into the house the other day frightened and, was growing very dark and thundering, said: "Mamma, it's going to torm; don't you hear that noise like motorcycle?" Akron, O. MRS.

I. L. Lacked Foresight. Ned was just 8, and while playing about the room, he opened 'the' closet and found on one of the shelves the white bell off a wedding cake. "Look, mother," he exclaimed, "what is this?" "That is the bell off mother's wedding cake, little son." "Did you save.

me 8 piece "No: son, that was before you wore born." The storm broke and between sobs the little fellow said: "You might have saved me a piece because. you knew I was going to be borned." 41. It Might Help Some. A friend traveling in Colorado last OCEAN STEAMERS, -New Zealand-Australia Via HONOLULU and SUVA. Palatial Fansenger Steamers.

"NIAGARA" 20,000 tons displacement. "MAKURA" 13,000 tons displacement. Sailing every 28 days from Vancouver, B. C. Apply Canadian Pacific Railway, 213 Euclid Oleveland, 0., or to the tralasian Royal Mail Line, 440 Seymour St.

Vancouver, B. 0. Largest, Finest and Fastest Vessels to SOUTH AFRICA BY UNION-CASTLE LINE SANDERSON SON, Gen. Pass. Agts.

26 Broadway, N. Y. Or Any Steamship Ticket Agent LAKE STEAMERS. Great Lakes Tour VIA ANCHOR LINE Steamship leaves Cleveland for Duluth and intermodiate ports at 12 o'clock noon (central time) as follows: Juniata, June 28; Octorara. July 1, Tionesta, July 6.

Other sailings July 9, 16, 20, 28, 27; 81; Aug. 3, 7, 11. Tickets sold to all points west via Duluth. Full information Pennsylvania City Ticket Office, 528 Euclid Avenue. M.

J. Doyle, City Passenger Agent. 2 CO. SUPERIOR AY. WHARF DETROIT dally, 10:46 p.

m. (central time). Fare $2.25. Upper berth $1.00. Lower $1.50.

Stateroom $2.60. WEEK-END EXCURSIONS every Sator. day night $2.50 round trip. For Alpena, Mackinas and way porta, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10:45 P. M.

City 'once 733 Euclid Ave. Dock office foot Superior Ave. Geneva- -On -The -Lake- Ohio's Famous Summer Resort LOCAL AND SUBURBAN HOTELS AND RESORTS. THIES FARM CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS. Stop Euclid Ave.

Cay. Wood CHICKEN AND STEAK: DINNERS "WALDRUME Cold served. Dinner, cuts, call We abead. dress our Refreshments own. of stock.

all kinds Duck Cuyaboga phone, Lake $09 W. "Long Story BROADLAWN INN, MENTOR, O. FOR AUTO PARTIES AND TOURISTS THE BEST OF FOODS DELICIOUSLY SERVED Euclid Avenue, Stop 69. Bell Phone--Palnesville Exchange. CHIPPEWA LAKE PARK OHIO'S IDEAL PICNIO PARK.

Natural scenery, cles ratmosphere. The for your plenid. largest and most beantifal lake and park Boating, Bathing, Fishing; Dancing; in Ohio, Hotel accommodations Bowling, Baseball, Tennis, Modern summer cottages fur round. Dished complete (except direr and Special cars run into the park. The ous), gas for cooking and atlas.

An ass of liquor on grounds absolutely excellent location. I hibited. Special Sunday concerts, Roseathal's orchestra, every other Sunday, alternating with ether high class orchestras throughout season. Rooms with bath la private cottage, 1 in room, $1.00 per day: 8. in room, $1.50 per booklet sad rates inquire J.

1 CHIPPEWA' LAKE PARK Chippewa Lake, 0. A. M. BEACH, Mgr. Drinking water from artesian wells and natural springs--none better.

A 5 5 Spend your vacation here. The finest bathing beaches, dancing, boating, bowling, tennis, and amusem*nts a plenty. Lots of woods and natural scenery. There is no place. TRY IT OVER THE 4TH AND YOU ARE SURE TO COME TE IDLE-A-WHILE A fine lake front resort, catering to, people who desire home $2.00 per day.

Write early for July and August reservations. Open all year, Booklet on application. OUR NEW $15,000 CASINO At Geneva-on-the-Lake 45 Miles. east of Cleveland, and baking: tennis courts: finest bathing brach, nat. spring water; long distance tele.

phone; accommodations for 40. Write for rate. CHIAS. WARNER, Prop. NOW OPEN 1: DANCING AFTERNOON AND EVENING GEO.

W. GLICK, and M. V. H. JOHNSTON THE COLONIAL and Cottages Large Bra cons lawns, own dairy and garden, home cooking Four Gables is a place you will like for your vacation.

Centrally located, with an excellent Bathing Beach and handy to all the amusem*nts. Wc cater to the class of people who wish the best and always enjoy themselves to the utmost. Reservations must be made early to insure accommodations. Rates and information on request. H.

B. GREGORY. 4 OHIO 4 comforts and satisfactory 7 table Rates $10.00 per week SIDNEY RAMSEY, Geneva-on-the-Lake, 0. The New Inn Geneva-on-the-Lake In the center of the attractions, best hotels in the country in being located the way it is, the your vacation. us have your reservation will be big demand on us for rest of the season.

Special attention given to Write for rates and booklet ROSE COTTAGE Geneva-on-the-Lake, 45 miles cast of Cleveland, on lake front. Ideal for family. Home cooking. Our own garden. Beautiful lawns and trees.

Tennis court. Fine bathing beach. Garage on premises. Dancing, bowling, tennis, fishing. Write for rates.

W. C. Rose, R. F. D.

1, Geneva, Obio. Special Sunday Chicken Dinners. offers the public one of the regard to foods and service, and most convenient place to spend early for the 4th, for there these three days as well as the 1 automobile parties. to GARY SWAN, Propr. Kodaks, BUCKEYE Anishing BEACH and supplies.

STUDIO Bring your Alma to us for the best work. R. E. SCHAEFER. Beach Farm GENEVA THE-LAKE Ideal for vacation; 90 acres: 4 mile lake front; gas, running water, telephone, mail service, home garden dairy; all home cooking; rates from $5.00 to per week, room and board.

Apply to IRENE SPENCER. Genova, Ohio, R. F. D. 1.

TUSCAR INN The best rooms and table board the shore, Write for rates. PLEASANT Geneva-on-the-Lake, VIEW FARM Cooifortablo roonus. Hone cooking Farm to connection. Overlooking lake; per wk. A.


The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.