The Manhattan Mercury from Manhattan, Kansas (2024)

and Mr, and Mrs. John Pishney Miss Carol Plshny attended the 20 The Manhattan Mercury Sunday, June 16, 1963 graduation of Barbara Rice in To peka Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pishny, at Randolph Swede Creek HDU served the Cleburn alumni banquet at the Valley High School Saturday evening.

Wm. Taylor of Beattie, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.

Gress and boys of tended the alumni banquet in Blue Rapids Saturday evening. After the banquet they were among other County high school Saturday eve mng. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pishing attend' ed the graduation exercises- Tuesday evening at the Riley school.

i' Janet Richner called Tuesday afternoon on Mrs. Chester Sand' strom. Mrs. Bernice Henry, Mrs. Era est Richner and Marilyn were shopping in Manhattan Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Keefover tnJ Arthur were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Richner and family.

spent Tuesday evening wun mr. and Mrrs. Alfred Pishney and son. Vinton Lyle Woodyard spent Saturday evening with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Bark-land of Blue Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pishny and son attended a family reunion in Abilene Sunday. Douglas Pishney underwent a tonsilestomy Monday morning at the hospital in Marysville.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Pishny attend Axtell and Mr. and Mrs. Wavne guests at the Bob Schartz home.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Woodyard and family of Barneston, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woodyard and boys.

and family of Marysville K-State Conducts Program For the second year the Kansas State University School of Home Economics in cooperating with the Kansas Slate Board of Health were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smerchek and family and helped them celebrate their fifteenth wedding Mr. and Mrs. E.

J. Pishny and Mrs. George Kratochvil, Mrs. W. J.

Kratochvil, Mrs. Margie Willis ed the alumni banquet at the Riley and Protestant churches of Gar OME BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 107 NORTH FOURTH den City and Holcomb in conducting a day care center for children of migrant workers in the Garden City sugar beet area. Beginning Monday, June 17, more than 30 girls and boys will spend from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every week day in the Holcomb Community School, site of the center.

A school bus provides transpor tation from the temporary homes near the sugar beet fields to the school and back. The center will NEW AT THE ZOO Mama peccary watches closely over two newly born collared peccaries at the Lee Richardson Zoo in Garden City. Attendants can't tell whether they're boys or girls, though for the adult animals are too vicious to risk finding out. The zoo now has an adult pair plus the two youngsters. Another adult pair was shipped to Clovis, N.M.

recently. The birth of the young peccaries marked the fourth litter for the mother peccary. The fierce, hog-like animals range in northern Mexico and the Big Bend country of Texas. The males have long sharp teeth and know how to use them. (AP Photo) continue for five weeks.

The day care center provides a Did You Know -that all profits, after costs and reserve requirements are met, are paidl to saveri in the form of dividends. -that the average family can afford to purchase more space in a home than they can afford to rent. -that our first concern is to help you acquire a debt-free ownership in a minimum period of time. -that our home loan plan is fitted to your needs. "MONEY SAVED, BORROWED, AND MANAGED LOCALLY FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY" place for the children to learn and play together as their parents are working in the sugar beet fields.

The schedule includes sup ervised play time with art work, BACKGROUND (JtL QfSn) OF THE the foe, which inexorably develops resistance to a given individual drug. Researchers have developed two new "supportive" treatments which show promise of forestall playground and gymnasium equipment, songs and stories. There will be hot lunches at ing death in other ways thus giv noon and nutritious snacks between the play and rest activities in the morning and afternoon, Mrs. Ivalee McCord, a member ing additional time to allow the By FRANK E. CAREY WASHINGTON (AP) New and drugs to produce their maximum: punch.

i dramatic advances have been made in the last two years against of the K-State family and child de velopment department faculty, will direct the center this year. Janet Huntzinger, Broken Bow, a graduate student in the department, will assist Mrs. McCord and volunteer workers from 1 -T Garden City and Holcomb. "The center," comments Dr. Marjorie Siith head of the family acute leukemia.

That's the presently incurable blood-ancer disease that recently killed Ernie Davis, the great Negro football player of Syracuse University and the Cleveland Browns. Government cancer fighters say there are grounds for hope that additional major gains will be achieved in the years ahead in prolonging the life of victims of this strange malady, which occurs in various forms in both children and adults. Lesser gains are being made against chronic leukemia the SIDES 275 to 300 LB. AVERAGE FOREQUARTERS 135 to 150 LB. AVERAGE and child development depart HINDQUARTERS 135 to 150 LB.

AVERAGE ment, "offers opportunities to gain "experience in nursery school work nosis. Drug benefits are limited largely to children. Fifteen years ago, victims of acute leukemia almost invariably died within three or four months after the initial diagnosis. Some died within a few days. Chronic leukemia, while also ultimately fatal, is much slower to kill.

The average survival is three to five years, bift a few victims may live 10 years or longer. Notable cases have survived almost 40 years. One of the three new drugs, called Vincristine, is an extract of the periwinkle plant, a form of myrtle. Another Methy Gag for short, is an entirely new type of compound among some two dozen chemicals, out of literally thousands tested so far, which have been found useful against various types of cancer. The third new one, called Cyclophosphamide, is a new member of a class of compounds called nitrogen mustards, the first of which originally was used as a poison gas in World War I.

Researchers and grantees of the National Cancer Institute see application of the drugs what is, using varied combinations gainst 1. 7. I I '1 IB. U9 kind that recently killed Rep. LB.0 7 If nd to learn about the children and family life of different cultures, nationalities and backgrounds." The children of Spanish-American families who live in Texas most of the year, speak English and Spanish.

Again this year children of 7 to 14 years of age in the migrant worker families will take part in a church school program. It is sponsored by the Garden City and Holcomb churches with the co-operation of the Kansas Council of Churches. Another part of the program in Francis E. Walter, 69, who was chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Three new drugs have been developed since 1961 against acute leukemia two of them in the past year.

This brings to six the number of drug weapons against the malady. Leukemia kills about 14,000 people annually, and adds some new cases every year to the (CUT and WRAPPED FOR YOUR LOCKER at NO EXTRA CHARGE) OF 1 SPECIAL I 50 lb. BOX ASSORTMENT approximately 800,000 Americans 1362, and again this year, are sessions for the entire family on ioSo SHB3G SAG suffering from all forms of cancer Friday nights. During these meet at any given time. ings the family groups sing, see Leukemia, for reasons unknown, ir---v sliced health and religious films and have has been on the increase in the refreshments served.

last few decades. Box contains 5 lbs. ROUND STEAK, 3 IbvSIRlOIN or T-BONE STEAK, 5 lbs. RIB STEAK, 10 lbs. CENTER CUT CHUCK ROAST, 10 lbs.

SHORT RIBS and Even with the new drugs, life- Funds for the project are from a state legislature appropriation to the State Board of Health with prolongation in acute leukemia NAACP To Ask For Integration Of KC Facilities KANSAS CITY (AP)-The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People told the City Council Friday it will ask for complete desegrega provisions that the money be us still averages less than two years. But there have been notable exceptions of victims survfving up ed for health and day care work among the children of migrant 15 lbs. fresh GROUND BEEF ALL WRAPPED for your freezer workers. to 13 years after the initial diag- News From Wameqo tion of public facilities in Kansas SMOKED Mr. J.A.

McMillan will return home this week after spending Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simmer. Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred Wille at City. Lee V. Swinton, local NAACP president, said hotels, motels, restaurants and public swimming pools are already open by city two weeks in Iowa and Minn EM CHOPS- re tended an Eastern Star meeting in Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pugh Hiattville Wednesday evening for had as Sunday evening supper 1 I Ii ordinance.

a 50th anniversary celebration. fcuests Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mar 1 8 oz s. OR OVER PER PKG.

tin, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peddicord Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Stewart and Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Mas ftieon. Mrs. William Woodbury and and girls attended the graduation exercises at Wichita University Sunday. Mrs.

Stewart's brother, Charles Weber, received his de RED HAWK Mrs. Wllford Eichman were hostesses at the Country Club Tues day. I prices Effective Z-WPIL I SUN M0N- tub. wed. gree in electrical engineering.

Mrs. Alfred Wille attended a Cloyd Welter Is recovering from surgery In the Westmoreland Hos banquet at Junction City Thurs He said the association will ask to extend desegregation to bowling alleys, amusem*nt parks, commercial golf courses and commercial swimming pools. Swinton said his group also hopes to open business, technical and vocational schools to all races. He said enactment of such a proposal would keep Kansas City ahead of the national trend in race relations. "We hope you will act," Swinton told the Council, 'so Kansas CHARCOAL pital day evening for the Rainbow Grand Assembly for girls.

jars. Airrefl wuie wui attend a Seeting of Jobs Daughters in Miss Marsha Vllven of Salt Lake Topeka Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gordon of Topeka were Sunday evening ruests of Mr.

and Mrs. Edward City won't have the troubles other cities are having." He said the association is planning to picket five business training schools if they do not agree City, Utah is spending a week in Wamego visiting friends and rela-tives. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weeks and family of Topeka were Sunday guests of Mrs.

Harry Knostman. Mrs. Richard Meisburger is a patient in Genn Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Prockish and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Andrew Prockish. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Owens.

Bobby and Tommy were dinner guests of Mrs. Sara Owens Monday evening in honor of their wedding anni to accept Negro students. There was no comment from the Council members. Welter. Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred WiDe attended the 50th Anniversary Banquet and meeting of the Leon Chapter of Eastern Star, at Leon. Mrs. August Allen and daughters of Topeka are visiting Mr. Tom Sims this week Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Gordon of Great Bend were Saturday overnight guests of Mrs. Nellie Gordon. Mr. and Mrs.

Coy Nowels and family of Portland, Ore. arrived A -LB. JQ I i VAN CAMP'S iyj BA 3) BEANS if 27-OZ. 00 DILLON'S FRESH BAKED tTi CANS Kaisin eST6 NcrJr DILLON'S FRESH BAKED yl SHOPPING CENTER KAISIM fitted iI su m)7ltd UPTOWN STORE 4B News Of Riley County versary. Mr.

and Mrs. William Carver of Miltonvale. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Clyde Carver and family. Bonfire 4 Club this week to spend a few days visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Ses-ler while enroute to Columbus, Ga. where Mr. Nowels will be attending a training school. Mrs.

Alfred Wille attended the Christ Hospital Alumni Reunion at the YWCA in Topeka a turd The regular June meeting of the Bonfire 4-H Club, which was con ducted by the Jr. Officers, met Mr. and Mrs. Don Ube.l and Lin-da entertained with a family picnic in the Wamego park Saturday evening in honor of Debby Ubel's birthday, Miss Patty Nye of Westmoreland REG. 32f LOAF ONLY fljlt 'viyjJ'W Mon- -sat-9 a-m- -8 p-m- II SAVE t-isS ft 9 a.m.

6 n.m. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parrish and! family and Mr. and Mrs.

Ken- neth Sherrill spent the weekend! iLfJ" lth.A nucri j-rocKisn ana iamnv. at Tuttle Creek Lake. June 10, at 8 p.m. at the Green Valley School. Ninetten members answered roll call.

Cindy Parry and Debra Styers were voted as members of the Bonfire 4 Club. David Nelson led group singing. Carolyn Nelson gave a demonstration on how to use up scraps of material in making gifts. Mike The Rev. Robert Terrill is add to news mw Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth camo chaplain at Camo Wood near Sher- rill will be in Salina Fridav and1 2" e-. "irK- CRISP, DARK GREEN Saturday to attend a meeting of 8 v- i the Kansas Chapter of State Soil th EP'copa! c.i.. 1 I Youth Camp this week. this week.

Conservation mm a demonstrated how to out 1G Society of America. FOR Mr. anA Mr. together a trouble lamp for elec- The Wamego Altar Society of the i nil ii i fi Catholic Church met Tuesday and! as Sunday guests. Mr.

and Mrs.tri,city- Robe Ebert some rules new officers for the enmina var Unnll i jj on outdoor cookery. Mrs. dUUl were elected as follows: Mrs. Mrs Kenneth Bellinger of Derby, lf" Plctures of i T1 tl i ntruia nams, vice-presiaem: Mrs. Mr.

and Mrs Dana Schultz and, ueiense. B. N. Werner, secretary; and Mrs. Don and Mr anH imnriKim Briggs led recreation.

The Keny Noll, t-easurer. rariser iamuy served reiresn- Breymeyer and Randy. CALIFORNIA FRESH VINE-RIPE ments. Mr. and Mrs.

Chester Smith; were in Kansas City Monday on a business trip. First Paper Makers Hornets, whose nest is covered Traced To Them Students of folklore believe that S-Sgt. and Mrs R. V. Johnson with a tough silver-gray material the popular customs of Hallowppn and girls of Albany.

Ga will a rive this week to spend a week xe paper, are said to oe the first exnibit traces of the Roman har id) risitinf friends and relatives in taper makers. The hornets make vest festival and of druidism. ac Wamego. jit by chewing up old wood and to the Encyclopaedia' Bri- Mr. acd Mrs.

John Simmer were fibers of plants. i tannics..

The Manhattan Mercury from Manhattan, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.