The Eureka Herald from Eureka, Kansas (2024)

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The Eureka Heraldi

Eureka, Kansas

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fePAY OCTOBER 15 142 fHE HERALD EUREKA KANSAS ehll Sat Mr Me Mrs IMPORTANT Oscar Hellestad pastor ALL 200 to 300 Carpenters Oscar Hellestad pastor to Kan the Jackson six AT SAEWAY Meat for Victory Shoulder lb 7 BS at 9H Salt Pork Ruweda lb 22c lb 19c Macaroni BREAD Beans Box 20c WANTS 17c 19c 23c $175 Mrs 14c I burial Severy wn Town House 63c 14c 27c 46 8 27c 8c 10c and IDAHO APPLES In the ata No 1 Jonathan No 1 3 lbs 23c Red McClure Ilushel Banket 35C 10 Lbs family of No 1 Delicious 4c 3 lbs 25c for URNACE STOVE orSTOKER EWAY 19c 29c 10c 19c are boy pur ami dls tlie urdoy Ind weeks will leave this week for her home in Golden City Enroute she will visit her sla in Howard and her son Orin The for em the few Quart Jar 6 Box Carton Those from the local Congrega tional Church who attended the Southern Association of Congrega tlonal Christlan churches in Kan sas held at Sedgwick Kans last Tuesday were: Rev and Mrs Duane Odgen Mesdames Martha Brook over Bailey and Cross last Mrs fur vis 2 Lb Box Sun con Van Mrs Mrs family of end with OBITUARY GUY RED WARE Miss Bette Hagerman wishes to thank her friends who remembered her with cards letters and flowers while she was a patient in the hospital nt Kansas City Charles Bumgardner came to Eu reka Saturday night where Mrs Bumgardner joined him to con tinue the trip to Topeka where they visited their son Staff Sgt Jack Bumgardner who is stationed at the Topeka Air base They return ed Monday morning bana Tuesday October 6 body was taken to Chicago cremation Miss Sharon Stanley of Emporia and Bill and Terry Grabham of Wichita came to Eureka riday evening and spent the week end with their grandparents Mr and Mrs II May of Jr Wright Wheat Julia Lee White or 1 Lb Pkg 12 oz Pkg RIVER LUTHERAN CHURCH school 10:00 a ni evening service 8:00 The and scr will LEAN STREAKED They red also Sun CHURCH 18: 9:45 a devo 2 23c of you Mr and Mrs 8 Ordstrand Mr and John Mullens Mr and A I) ry Mrs Geo Carter returned to her home at Manhattan Beach Calif Tuesday after spending the summer months with her broher Chas Hagerman Mrs Hagerman and Bette re by vis Mr Brown and night with They Homer 44 oz Box lb 25c lb 29c lb 35c lb 22c GRAPERUIT JUICE Miss rances Janes who is at tending Kansas University at Law rence spent the week end in Eu reka visiting her parents Dr and Mrs Janes Dr and Mrs Janes took her to Emporia Sun day where she caught the train to return to Lawrence one Mexican right liij) or Reward for whereabouts Route Eure lGp2 i Rev 'Northcott of Cham aad palgn and Rev loyd rancisco the Chanute ield chaplain was held Sat from Renner uneral Home in Ur 7:30 evening worship Mrs Clara Jackson will play the organ prelude What are the teachings of Olsen was In shipment of of the week and Mrs McElroy McCue returned to Eureka Monday from Hot Springs Ark where he had gone a week ago with Mrs MeCuo and her mother Mrs Grace Prouse who will take the medicinal baths Mrs McCue and Mrs ITousc will remain for some time You will find prices LOW on every item every day in the week Avoid Sat urday shopping crowds and get your Order" early in the week (Save Time Save Money at Safeway Miss Marie Phillips came to Eu reka Wednesday morning from Chillicothe Business College to visit her mother Mrs Marie Phil lips and her brother Lieutenant Nolan Phillips who is here on fur lough from Camp Mather Calif Ward A McGinnis returned from a trip to Evansville Miss Mae erris home furnish ing specialist from the Kansas State College of Manhattan gave a lesson on the use of color before a group of farm bureau women last Saturday at the Congrega tional church Sunday October 4 follow heart attack Ware was district super for the Illinois state WPA At the time Benning day were Jesus? Thia evening we will con sider the teaching of Jesus as re gards sin Bring your Bibles In vite a friend Misses Betty and Harriett rench Spent Saturday night and Sunday In Wichita visiting Mrs Bob Love and Miss Dorothy Hauge accompanied Mr and Mrs Straley of Thrall who were visiting In Wichita to Eureka day night District 63 The weather has been fine the past week and farmers have been busy cutting feed The fields are still muddy in spots The Sandberg truck from Neal took a truck load of steers for Glenn Boone and the Jackson Bros truck from Eureka took a load of calves for George Dollard sas City Sunday evening Boone accompanied truck to Kansas City Pvt Elmer Bull of Ga was home on a lough He and Mrs Ball iiing relatives here Mr and Mrs Hugh Brown the proud parents of a baby Mrs Glenn 'Mrs Lulu Hinshaw who has been visiting friends here for few end Mo ter Hinshaw and family at Tulsa Ok lahoma 3 Lb Bag 2 Lb Box 1 Lb Box Burl Gaffney who has been ployed at Grenada Colo for past several months spent a days last week with his family iu Eureka Mr Gaffney has been transferred to Dodge City recently and Will be employed there Soybean storage space is scarce We are not PERMITTED to ship soybeans as fast as we are receiv ing them Call us before deliver ing OUR STORAGE is limited Cornett Seed Elevator Co Same number of common labor ers wanted at once 54 hours union job time and half all overtime Contact CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 8 Duane Ogden Minister Sunday October 18 9:45 Church school worship and classes Mrs AV Pulford Supt 11:00 Public morning worship carefully planned and carried hut to meet our deepest needs music under the direction of Mrs Cs Bailey sermon: Gospel of Mrs Harry Campbell spent week visiting her daughter Don Bland and Mr Bland aud their son Gregg in Parsons She turned Sunday accompanied Mrs Bland and Clregg who are Ring here until Sunday when Bland will drive to Eureka to take them back to Parsons Consolidated Construction Company or Labor Temple Wichita Kansas Rolled' all her time with her chil lier husband preceded her In April 26 1927 was a devoted mother and a kind neighbor always ready to help those In need She was a member of the Methodist church and a faithful attendant as long as her health permitted uneral service was held Thurs day October 8 at 2100 at the Methodist Church in Neosho alls conducted by Rev Konse In terment whs made in Cedar Vale cemetery near that place PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rocco Kansas James Nansen Minister Services for Sunday Oct 18: 10:00 a in Sunday School 11 a morning worship mon theme Redeemer fei Pantry Pride Cheese S'an Marshmallows Your government has re quested that you and your family eat no more than pounds of meat per person weekly Let's all cooperate Buy no more than your share for Victory 5:30 social hour Methodist youth fol Ivanpah Mr and Mrs Mahar family spent Sunday evening in the Brownie Lewis hom*o Arthur Mahar Is working on tho McGinnis ranch Mr mid Mrs Borger and Miss Charlotte Barker all of Wich ita spont tho week end homes of their parents Mr George City with a tho first part Mrs Olson El Dorado visited Sunday with their son and brother George Olsen and family Ted Pendergrass and Russell spent tho week the Glen Kirk family Mr Will Lucas and Leon ('illed at tho Glen Kirk hom*o Sunday afternoon Tho Ivanpah community meeting was riday evening Everyone is urged to look again for scrap Don't forget tho small pieces that may have been overlooked Mr and Mrs Harry Jackson spent Thursday evening with Mr and Mrs Rader and girls Mrs Glen Kirk was in Eureka Tuesday attending a arm Bureau leader training school Mr and Mrs Itmlcr and daughters spent the evening in the S' Mahar hom*o Wednesday CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bert Sutton Minister Church School 9:30 Morning worship 10! 30 Youth fellowship 6:30 Evening worship 7:30 The youth meeting and the even ing worship will be advanced one half hour beginning at 6:30 and 7:30 Bible study will bo conducted each Thursday at tho church be ginning promptly at 7:30 We shall begin a series of studies from tho book of Acts CARD THANKS To those who came to us in our hour of trouble and to all those who sent flowers we sincerely thank each Jesus'' Tho public is cordially in vited A nursery cares for dren during the worship presence nt church ady morning is a significant tribution to the forces in the world for a bettor tomorrow It is a powerful testimony against (he forces of evil that pull the world apart Your devotion to the church underwrites your child's character and gives a basis for all human decency and goodness Your ab sence from church Is a suicidal tendency for yourself and for your world Think it Beef Roast Apple Butter Musselimui'ti Swansdown lour Yams no i a Man us in friend with you Mr and Mrs Carl Watkins and daughter Kay of Maize Kans came to Eureka Sunday to visit her mother Mib Clara Jackson and her sister Mrs red Jones and Mr Jones Mr Watkins re turned to Maize Sunday night but Mrs Watkins and Kay remained to visit this week Ser Of 'ring for World Emergency und 8:00 union services at the 'hriatlan Church Crackers Kansas calves born October 10 at the Boone home in Eureka Mr and Mrs Howard family spent Tuesday Mr and Mrs Earl Brown called on Mr and Mrs Brown Tuesday afternoon Mrs A Lyon culled on Mrs Lindmnood In Eureka Saturday af ternoon Mr and Mrs George Bradford re ceived a card from the government advising them of tho safe arrival of their son Ralph somewhere overseas Mr and Mrs Everett Boone and family were dinner guests Sun day of Mr and Mrs George Dollard Everett Benton and little Charles were callers in the neighborhood Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Grove of Eureka visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Lyon Mr Chas Lambert returned to Wichita Monday Sunday Sunday and Mrs James Boom of Caldwell Kans spent Monday night with friends in Eureka en route to Portland Ore where they will make their home EUREKA METHODIST CHURCH Philip Norvell pastor 9:45 a Church school Mr A Hartsook Supt 10:45 a ni morning worshin Organ prelude aud offertory by Mrs John Marshall Anthem by the choir under the direction of Mrs Gall Shannon Sermon theme: and join bring a family $650 per ton DELIVERED IN BIN HEAR ANDREW SCHOEPPEL REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE OR GOVERNOR DISCUSS THE IS SUES THE PRESENT CAM PAIGN AT MEMORIAL HALL EUREKA OCTOBER 17 8:30 EVERYBODY INVITED Pork Liver IDAHO APPLES 2 20 oz Loaves Mrs Iza Hampshire nnd son Earl of Eureka called on Mr and Mrs rank Wiggins Wednesday evening 'Earl Waddell and Elmer Hollis made a short call at the Jay Hollis home Sunday evening Mrs Glenn Gaston and Mrs Lura Kerr were in Eureka Saturday Earl Waddell and family and Ora Lane and family spent Sunday at the Jim Hollis home Sunday visitors at the Jay Hollis home were Mrs Mabel Long and son Jesse and Howard ami wife nnd daughters Phyllis and Lois all bf Burlington Mrs Min nie Johnson and Leroy called in the afternoon Joyce Gaston was absent from school riday because of illness In the family Mr and Mrs Jay Hollis and Marvin nnd rancos called on home folks Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Wiggins call ed at the rank Wiggins home Sunday Mrs Long was a visitor at our Sunday school James Hollis and son Elmer at tended a public Rale Tuesday Mrs Johnson and Leroy were in Eureka Monday Bill Hollis from Overbrook chased calves from Jim Hollis son Elmer Monday Bushel AO Basket i)wUz REPUBLICAN RALLY AT MEM ORIAL HALL EUREKA SATUR DAY OCTOBER 17 AT 8:30 ANDREW SCHOEPPEL REPUB LICAN CANDIDATE OR GOV ERNOR WILL DISCUSS THE ISSUES THE PRESENT CAM PAIGN EVERYONE WELCOME 23c 39c 22c loan two brothers who hud been Urbana Unrated for years Yes the oil sister Mrs Harry Griffith Pana iteiid was all the sort 'of work A Lienn California and two brothers ever followed and it still sounds Will and Edward Ware both of ktjod to hear what is going on up Eureka that1 on top of the lint Hills I uneral service arranged by tlin 'J these folks wore duo to attend a American Legion and conducted by fish bake at 6:00 at thn com ni)inHy builds in Teter camp I 'jcirli Buster was furulshlug lbb having caught 19 pounds Misses Betty Straight and Elaine Straight who attend in Emporia spent the week end in Eureka with their parents Mr and Mrs Geo Straight and Mr and Mrs Straight Mrs George Straight accompanied by Wilma Sue Anne and Eloise Straight took them back to Emporia Sunday Sunday afternoon Mrs Straight at tended a Tea given by the Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority 'Mr and Mrs Jess Kester return ed riday evening from Kansas City where they had visited their son Richard agan and Mrs agan and other relatives Mrs slater Mrs ulmer nnd son John Rplph accompanied them to Hhireka and visited until Sunday after which they drove to Iola for a short visit before returning to their hom*o In Kansas City Mr and Mrs Hyden left Eureka riday for a short trip into Missouri On the return trip they visited Mr and Mrs Hervey Schneider Arthur and Alice Anne In Pittsburg former residents of Eureka and at the Osborne hom*o In Independence They re turned hom*o Sunday evening ac companied by Jim Sumners of Pitts burg who will visit a few days be fore leaving for Sedalia Mo where ho will visit his parents 1 care Wednesday after nnhft the nnmn tntd ma nhn nnoinpl i' jiy lb better and the family and Mr' nnd M'8' Rodney Holmes 'bilfihda irk for Howard visited Mr and Mrs fovhry win 'der at the Elder home Methodist study class met Suuay SfpndMy afternoon at the hom*o of ST PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCHfrsJAW Moore This was the Sunday school 9:45 a in lesson on Latin America Sunday morning service 11:00 Como our worship and Ailopt Mr and Mrs William Vaughan accompanied by their daughter and grandson Mrs Max Beamer and Billy who visited here the past week drove to Topeka Sunday Mr Beamer met them there and took his wife and son to their hom*o in St Joseph Mo Mr and Vaughan returned to Eureka evening Harvest Blossom Grapes Tokay Oranges Sunklst Cabbage Onions Yellow Column urday night in the south fork of the Cottonwood river The other A Miller of Myrtle members ot the bridge slub were Who was taken ill a couple Vaeksago seemed to be getting Tine "and was able to get upqchvday for a short time but had Guyvred Ware age 54 formerly of Eureka and a brother of Will and Edward Ware of this place died at his home in Urbana 1111 nuois Ing a Mr visor recreational project of his death he was working on a program designed to coordinate the recreational facilities of the area to better serve soldiers and sailors off duty and defense workers Mr Ware was born in Eureka Lj Kansas September 4 1888 Hu en listed as a private in Co A of the 314th engineers at the outbreak of World War 1 and saw action overseas Twice he was severely wounded in action he also was the recipient of citations for bravery under fire At the time of his charge from the army he held rank of sergeant After the war Mr1 Ware was tinned at Kankakee Illinois as secretary of the A He was united in marriage to Miss Eloise Engleman in Kansas CiW Mo August 14 1923 Thu came to Urbana1 in 1929 whor* ho was general agent for the Union Cen tra) Life Insurance Company Hu was a member of tho American Legion the Methodist Church the Masons aud the Elks Mr Ware was the son of Elwin and Alice Graham Ware Ho is survived by his wife and two sons Loring a freshman at the high School and Donald UUd A bad more to talk about Heldon In the sixth grade of the acnooiD jte also leaves a Matches Si'arclillglit A Lnuiulry ArgO Staih Ja Hoiini hold LlIllL Stnrli furnishing the rest of the eats Otho Buster and wife Mr and Mrs Wtn Hollander were Tuesday ovonincr aiiaefa at fha A 1 Tlinnin Sunday and is now under son home Otho will leave next tittvSala Odra IlfedHAodn Tn luvBUuy evening lut cuinp ItEAL ESTATE Insurance Bent als arm and City Property tor sale on Easy Terms See or write A Wiggins Eureka Kansas Office ground floor at rear of Citizens National Bank Bldg 25 tf PUBLIC SALES Saturday October 17 Brown Crocker Huntington Tucker Re gistered Hereford Sale at the Eure ka Sale Pavilion Monday October 19 another good run of cattle and hogs is ex pected for the regular Monday Sale Wednesday October 21 Bryan Hillinnn lu miles north of Eureka a good cleanup farm sale livestock machinery nnd all household goods EUREKA AUCTION SALE ROY VAUGHN Phone 746 11 ROCKHILL Phone 312 ta regional' meeting at VE1 flOado riday of this week and a at be El borado Hotel Arthur Peterson lIcyStBlry of our chapter found ttfre were none of the local mem frho could attend due to tire sMrtage and other reasons and 1 knUt had to send our regrets We have been right royally entertained 6 El Dorado Chpater two dif ftretit times and regret that we can ddf present this time' Thanks at million El Dorado and maybe idide tithe in the near future we might do something nice for you Lucretia Griswold Latimer of the DAR will meetI'drday at 15 at the home pfHMra Pd Ogilvy 800 4th street uome of the names of tljiaae faithful workers at the Red GrlkrQom: Mesdames Joe frouch VflUhn Glenn Hawthorne Davlsi Orville Baxter Eddie Harry Rockhill Holmes oJlC Leonard and I didn't get the name Of Mrs 'Ernie of lAeOce who hag spent more hours In the work than any one else un ifeaa it might be' Mrs Leonard I am sure there are many more go tp the work room to help With the butting hnd tiacklng Mrs fl Quackenbush seems to be on each time the articles arekcked for shipment Most of the zed Cross workers have to do as Ibl the work has to be done in their dw(i home and we hope to do our Bbkifa 1 we met Mr and Mrs Whliftm Call of Pampa Texas on W0 street and learned that they had been called home due to tho afclnbss and death of Mts Cali's Mrs George Cougher of Sbvely: 1 The parents Mr and Mrs GVorgb Cougher had gone to Ur bana 111 to visit their daughter and family Mr Cougher inty biased a few days and return ed home Mrs Cougher decided to visit awhile longer but was taken With a stroke and did not rally bakeed away at Urbana Octo bbr 8th The remains wus brought and funeral and burial i vUs in the cemetery at Severy 1 Bl ti Call of Pampa Texas was at I hkr mothers bedside when she elis'ed 'away The husband and iUt thiUren are left to mourn the Jolts bl devoted wife and mother 'Ttig childrbn are Ruth Cougher8 nnzt nf Wlnhitn Mna I KHotle 'Evenson of Lost Springs I kaSi Mrs ern' "Kennedy of Ur i 'Atfina Ilf and Mrs Wm Call of jjtatiipi frexas William Call and1 qtiWiihler 'Charlotte Ann drove from and were here tor tlio tuner The Calls returned to Texas Saturday and said they would have drive all night in order for Mr i tq get Idck in time for his a Sqnday morning William t' tiaid he had a new cook 4ltille' Mry was away I asked 1 And he replied: "Charlotte i I Anltt! little miss' has gained dbtrtr'kln her school and has dtoinlkdd "to Write to me soon per titnlag to name 1 Lyle Armitage and wife and ifyieijrof Tetervllle were Mon jlayjcallars' at the A Thompson hitae Lyle' is working at the same piimit st'atldn' in the Empire Pipe line calhp that was a part of A J's vyork at the time lie was retired Eugene two" years' ago so of course Lyle Urbana 'V CC BAILEY Eureka Kansas STRAYED rom my pasture tmmu titno this Riitnmur BtPAr branded on 02 on left Bide information aa to rank Klaaaor Star ka My house at 113 School Modern Close in $15 pur month Chase IGtf Mrs A Gentry went to wes tern Kansas Tuesday to spend a few days with Mr Gentry Bob Stapleford son of Mr and Mrs Tom Stnpleford is a patient in Lakeside Hospital Kansas City receiving treatment for his eyes Kitchen (raft BAPTIST Sunday October Church school tional service and bible study Me 1 1 111 superintendent 11:00 a sermon and worship conducted by Rev Bauer 6:30 in All chil dren of tho church invited to come and bring their friends Gregor is sponsor Evening worship 7:30 mon will be evangelistic b( the beginning of a revival meet in and each evening throughout the week at 7:30 there will be sing ing and preaching Everyone is invited to come and enjoy these services with us Chili Steak ranks OR RENT: A 3 room house half bath garqge extra garden lot six blocks from center of town Anna Boyer Crubo Bldg I6 p1 OR RENT OR A 5 room modern house full basem*nt gas floor furnace Block of ground if wanted See Lodge 12 tf MAN WAN ir Raw 1 i gh lout of 800 familiufl Good profits for Hustlurs Write today Rawlelghs Dept KAJ 134 reeport 111 16 pl AntJrifcBaons will continue on the a fcfne Subject tnrougnout tne coursetuPthe group will continue meet up lit' ihe home of Mrs Moore I ojih the lesson very instructive i md I hope to continue in thb work 2 Udders of the diffenrent organ 1 iu Greenwood county were nieet at the Red Cross rom last week ana mere was a 0BTU ARYJMR8 MARGArET" tpprtaentatlon from several JANE VAN 0RDSTRAND other towns and communities as we as those from Eureka I will Margaret Jane Draper daughter 4p dwell on this subject for the of Benjimen and Sarah Draper Aha 'Will give a full accourit was born December 14 1856 in lu this Week's paper as to what McClain county Ill and passed organisation will be expected away at the home of her daughter zWdb: was there to represent the Mrs A ry near Eureka Kan P44 the Gleaners class of BtlH October 6 1942 at the age of MPthodist church also the Ruth 88 months and 22 days the Whqn a small child she came of the DAR are invited to with her parents to the homestead near Le noy Kans wnere sne grew to womanhood She was mar ried to Isaac Van Ordstrand Jan uary 29 1874 To this union three children were born Winfield Van Ordstrand of Wichita Kans Mrs A ry of Eureka Kans and Mrs John Mullens of Neosho alls Kans all whom survive her She is also survived by five grand children 8 great grandchildren one half brother Edgar Waterman of Burlington Kans a number uf nephews and nieces and a host of friends She came with her family to Greenwood county in 1883 where they lived on a farm near Reece until 1903 when they moved to Neosho alls where she has since resided until about a year ago her falling eye sight compelled her to spend dren death She OR SALE: Good used batteries $150 and your old battery Bush Motor Co I tf Used wire coat hang ers must be clean 35c per 100 Vapor Cleaners 34 tf OR RENT: 5 room modern house at 116 North Myrtle with good garage A Lewis Phono 213 HIAT 'LESS COST ml tn I 48 It 48 It $159 Piinrnko lour i HUB I 3 Lbs ZG ends Lb 3 Lbs 3 Lbs.

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The Eureka Herald from Eureka, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.