[RWBY] RWBY Snippets and Plot Bunnies (2024)

AndrewJTalon said:

Weiss: *Befuddled* "J-just how?! I remember what she looked like in her youth, s-s-she was . . ."

Pyrrha: *Genuinely meaning no offense* "Flat?"

Nora: *Cheerfully* "A shortie?"

Blake: *Amused* "Petite?"

Ruby: "Very cute." *Nods seriously; Cute solidarity is real*

Yang: *Smirkiest smirk that ever done smirked* "Exactly like you?"

Weiss: "Yes!" *Mind registers Yang's words* "Y-YOU!!!"

Blake: *Ignores Yang's screams of terror as Weiss jumps on her and attempts to bite her skull* "Jokes aside, that kind of growth spurt is absolutely absurd."

Jaune: *Unthinkingly, ignoring everything and studying* "Not really. When I was fourteen I was five feet tall, not quite masculine enough so all my sisters' stupid crossdressing always made me look way too good and I had the same issue as Nana when it came to the goods." *Weiss and Yang immediately stop fighting, both immediately realizing what Jaune's talking about in shock - Yang - and disgust - Weiss* "Now I'm seventeen, six foot two, I still look good in a dress but ain't no way is anyone ever thinking I'm a lady and while I don't have Nana's giant tracts of land . . . let's just say when you combine the Pendragon and the Arc genes, they don't discriminate and my c--"

Nana Arturia: "Ahem. Jaune, you are in the presence of ladies."

Jaune: *Looks up, goes crimson red* "Holy crap I am so sorry!" *Covers face and groans*

Pyrrha: *Nosebleed* "Oh my."

Ruby: *Cheeks very red, fidgety* "Uh, did Jaune just say what I think he said?"

Nora: *Very red* "Fearless Leader you pervert!" *Ruby squeals and covers her face*


Blake: *Looking at Nana's chest, to Jaune and her cheeks are pink; Very much in awe* "Whoa."

Yang: *Mouth is hanging open* "Well if I didn't have a crush before I would now. Does that make me shallow?"

Weiss: *Blushing profusely, arms around Yang's neck loosely* "I know, right? And more than me!"

Yang: *Nods; Realizes Weiss said it* "E-EH?!"

Weiss: *Goes crimson as she realizes* "NO! I MEAN, NO, YOU, SHUT IT YANG AND--" *Squealing in high-pitched embarrassment as Jaune gapes at her* "STOPSTARINGATME, JAUNE! I MEAN ARC!"

*Arturia just sips tea in amusem*nt while Shirou chuckles; Cardin frowns*

Cardin: "Should I feel threatened?"

Shirou: "Oh, only if that kind of thing threatens you." *Notices Cardin running towards CFVY's dorm, rolls his eyes* "Honestly. Youngsters these days. The Faunus girl likes him. While these girls all happen to be carrying a torch for my grandson. That kind of thing only matters and decides things for the worst kind of girl and only bothers incredibly insecure men. This news is just . . ."

Arturia: "The cherry on top?"

Shirou: "Correct." *Idly and happily watches the chaos, before starting* "Oh, oops. Was that code for, 'I want a sundae'?"

Arturia: *Gasps* "It most certainly wasn't, but now it is! Make me a banana split, Shirou!"

Shirou: *Chuckles and goes to do so*

Sometimes you just can't ignore the low-hanging fruit, no matter how mature you think you've gotten in three and a half decades of life.

AndrewJTalon said:

And it would be something both parents told their children. Something Jaune would take to heart.

"If the world asks you why you care... Why you bother to care... Tell them: It's because someone should."

I can't help but like:

"Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us into something better. And on my soul, I swear that until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice are the reality we all share, I'll never stop fighting. Ever." --Superman, Action Comics #775 "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way?

Even more powerful when you realize that Superman could have really just snapped, but because of his infinite kindness? He just punked Manchester Black instead. Awesome comic.

Absolutely love it. 'Cause f*ck me is a well-written Superman just the absolute best. I mean you can really do no better than:

"If you knew how you are loved, not one of you would ever raise a hand in rage again." And this one's from the guy who created f*cking Homelander.

And while it's not so much a quote, I always get hella choked up whenever I read All-Star Superman and get to the part where Supes just takes time out of his day to make sure a kid doesn't commit suicide. Maybe I'm just a comic geek, but damn do some of their quotes work really well for someone or even a family on the planet of Remnant.

Frankly Tired said:

Team RWBY and _NPR, 1 for 1, have his sisters' personalities.

And the reason he tries so hard when it comes to flirting with Weiss is becuase he Really doesn't want to think about it.

"It's like I haven't left home, except Jade is a boy."

Elsewhere . . .

Jade: *Twitches, eyes flick up and look around* "Why are my Jaune-is-being-a-brat senses tingling?"

AndrewJTalon said:

Shirou: "Bah. Who needs shields when you can just have more swords?" Blocks a Deathstalker with two swords, then summons a third and cuts it in half "See? I blocked that with two swords, and then used another sword to kill it! Swords!"

Jaune: *Nervously* "So Papa, I took your advice."

Shirou: *Gasps gleefully* "More swords?"

Jaune: *Happy he's happy* "More swords!"

Shirou: *Somewhere between pure joy, absolute awe and disgusted horror* "I don't know whether to be proud or appalled."

Jaune: *Proudly* "I think I'mma call it Sir Stabs-a-Lot."

Arturia: *Sees sword, bursts out laughing; Begins wheezing when she imagines how her grandson is gonna soup his enemies*

AndrewJTalon said:

So. What else can be done with an Archery-Focused Jaune?

  • Randomly arrowing Nora to walls when she's being bad or a menace. Ren absolutely loves his leader.
  • Buy a gag arrow; it has a heart instead of a blade. Very gently fires it at Weiss' heart. The Archer may be the most annoying little sh*t ever but damn, that kinda corny romance just speaks to her soul.
  • Jaune discovers someone whose semblance creates many, many clones/very real copies of things they touch. His arrows blot out the sun and if this person is a girl? Jaune has mad crush. Weiss, Pyrrha, whoever the ship here is very much does not like the competition.
  • Jaune plus arrow equals great but dangerous written letter messenger service.
  • Trick shots for days.
  • Trick arrows.
  • Dragon Grimm threatenin' his partner? Pump so much aura into one arrow that it shines likes a star - it punches through poor dragon buddy with ease and although Jaune may not know it, sinks into the moons surface, blade deep.
  • Out archer's Cinder.
  • Cinder does not know she has a type. Goofy archer boy Jaune is that type. She will have him. If Salem gets in her way, Cinder'll put a glass arrow in her eye.
  • "You're four miles out you dolt! Team RWBY will just wait for Pyrrha, they're half a mile away and Oum's dangly bits, did you just snipe that motherf*cker from four miles away? Oh. O-oh my gods they're all dead. Arc? You. Me. The Vale Cross-Continental Hotel, this Friday. I'mma break those hips of yours." --Weiss Schnee, circa Jaune Arc becoming the God of Snipe, chapter three (the history books note a massive blush and wide-eyed, thousand mile stare)
  • AU within an AU. Jaune sees Ruby/Weiss/Blake/Yang/Nora/Pyrrha having a bad fall into Initiation. He arrows them to a tree.
  • Uncle Arjun meets aged up Ever After Jaune. This Jaune took it much better. Uncle Arjun tests his skills and the once older man comes up short. Very short. How can his pride be so scathed and yet still be so proud. Proceeds to watch as an arrow goes a blinding white and watches his nephew fire a shot in the direction of the Dragon Continent. "Just letting a Witch know we're at war." Meanwhile, Salem wonders what the f*ck happened to her now non-existent castle.
  • Uncle Arjun and Aunt Saia both heavily approve of Weiss. "Good taste, nephew!" "~She has so many options with those Glyyyphs~ Ahem. Jaune. Have many, many children with her. Double your parents number." "F-F-F-F-F-FOURTEEN?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME, YOU CRAZY WOMAN!" "Weiss, no, calm down!"
  • Blake is very annoyed that Jaune is a better ninja than her. "I'm not a ninja though." "SHUT UP, JERK!"
  • Nora's delighted how good Jaune is at the obvious types of games at a carnival/festival. Ren gets deeply jealous as Nora grows more and more touchy and affectionate with Jaune. The final line is crossed when Jaune wins Nora a stuffed sloth and Nora gives him the breasts-to-face hug. Basically jealous!Ren, possible Nora's Arc.
  • Full Potential Archer!Jaune (full aura control + Mastered & Evolved Aura Amp) travels back in time by falling into the Void. Cue Arjuna's disbelief that his nephew's seemingly "weakest" state is greater than his entire potential. Jaune accidentally's himself a harem.
  • An inverse of Cinder wants Jaune: Jaune desperately wants that smoking hot Archer. Cue love interest's absolute horror. Cinder is unprepared for being desired so immensely. The Arc Charm is very real here.
  • Neo's smug as sh*t that the Archer can't hit her until she takes an arrow to the ass. "You vertically-challenged idiot, I just channeled aura to my nose instead!" Neo has a new mission: mutilate that archer f*ck for scarring her flawless heinie.
  • Jaune's exceedingly perceptive due to being an archer/sniper build. As Atlas guards descend on Yang to arrest her for "excessive force", Jaune casually reveals that Mercury has prosthesis. How does he know? "Uh, hello? Archer? Sniper here, it's my job to notice these things." Fall of Vale averted.
  • Uncle Arjun and Aunt Saia would be happy for him no matter what but discovering Jaune has a girlfriend of Pandu descent (Ceil Soleil, perhaps)/lineage has them on cloud nine.
  • Jaune unintentionally has a Pandu diet. Not a one of his friends can handle the spice. Not even Yang "pffffttt, I like spicy" Xiao Long. Jaune can't help but think they're wimps, to their great offense.
  • "Don't worry son, I could always deflect Arjun's arrows! Yours will be a piece of cake!" leads to "Nicolas Arc. What have you learned?", a healing from a hole through the meat of his shoulder Nick Arc is forced to answer his wife's questions. Stupid Jaune. Who knew he'd get so stronk?

Frankly Tired said:

Everytime I think Mistral has a fatter West and South-West section. And the giant Lake/Ocean was smaller. With the Volananic East closer.

Agreed. Every time I look at the map of Remnant and remember RNJR just trekking the land I'm forced to remind myself that Remnant is actually massive, big as earth and their continents should be continent-sized (as in, not trekkable). Also that for as good as RWBY was, it was really stupid sometimes. "hurr hurr, I'mma walk the planet and arrive at my location inside a month." 🙄

AndrewJTalon said:

-Give me more ideas for Batman!Jaune!

Ideas for days, obviously, lol. But to be more specific:

  • Golden Age Batman (1939-1960) Jaune. Beacon is unprepared. Could even interject 1940s, '50's values. "As a Faunus and a woman, ew" says Blake. Plots within are inconsistent and feature Batman even occasionally being a complete idiot.
  • Silver Age Batman (1956-1970) Jaune. Beacon wonders what the f*ck is going on. Could do the values thing. Plots are silly and kid friendly. "Uh . . . no, we're actually executing Adam Taurus for crimes against--AAUUGGHH!!!" *Is punched by Batman* "Now, now, none of that. Mr. Taurus just needs a few weeks in the clink!" Ozpin meanwhile feels the urge to curse something called the "Comics Code Authority."
  • Bronze Age Batman (1969-1981) Jaune. Much more serious Batman and Beacon is completely unprepared for anything this brings. Especially since it reveals that Salem? Bad. But there's a lot worse out there. This is probably a Batman who could solo a Team.
  • 1966!Batman Jaune. Sticks to values and morals present within. Has a semblance that allows things like KAPOW!, BOFF! and ZLONK! that make seemingly weak blows that much stronger! Could include things like Jaune being much more fit than Adam West was so the girls of RWBY? They like. "Oh no Robin! My chastity!" "Chastity shmastity, Bat-Stud, c'mere and give Mama some--" "Yes, thank you Robin! Woman Repellant!" *Sprays Yang* "ACK, f*ck!" *Gags violently* "Omigawd it smells like cigars, sweat and recently gutted fish!" *Glomped by Blake who jumps on him* "Oh no Robin! M-my . . . my ch-chastity! My morals! They're being defeated by bottom-heavy curvy Cat Faunus girl!" *Blake 'heehee's happily* "Holy felonious felines Batman! No! NO! NOOOOOO!!!" Or just played entirely straight. Honestly endless possibilities with this one alone.
  • Burtonverse!Batman Jaune. He can't turn his head but he'll blow you the f*ck up.
  • Schumacher-era!Batman Jaune. "Okay so he's paying with his Bat-Credit Card and his suit has nipples. What the f*ck?" "I dunno, he's kinda cute AAANNNDDD he just put his arm around Robin. Dammit, why's Vale's one superhero gay?!" since Schumacher, openly gay, added stuff like the nipples, codpieces and Bat-booty shots because he liked it and apparently admitted to Clooney that Batman was gay.
  • Nolanverse!Batman Jaune. How does Vale deal with the infamously growly Batman?
  • Batman: The Brave and the Bold!Batman Jaune, working instead with the various Huntsmen and Huntresses to solve crimes.
  • Snyderverse!Batman Jaune. "Okay, so here's what we know: he brands criminals." "Like a psychopath." "He's not adverse to manslaughter." "Like a psychopath." "He's definitely not that muscular." "Yang . . ." "Oh and he has some weird slow-mo semblance. I don't get it either but when he broke Torchwick's jaw you could see his skin ripple from the blow." Semblance could even be treated seriously, like it slows the universe down so you can feel your bones crack every which way.
  • The Batman!Batman Jaune. Distinctly non-aura Batman, more than a few of Beacon are intimidated by this considering how brutal and effective he is and are not prepared for his villains.
  • Arkham Origins, Asylum, City and Knight!Batman Jaune. He is distinctly prepared for his war on crime and is every bit as terrifying as would be imagined. If Arkham!Bat doesn't kill Joker, any member of Beacon would happily. They know what he did to those kindergarteners and have no mercy in their souls for that monster.
  • Batman Beyond!Batman Jaune. Could either be from the future or not, either way they are not prepared for his villains, how effective he is or for the suits multitude of abilities.
  • Owlman!Jaune, who is the absolute best. According to all the villain girls.

AndrewJTalon said:

Jaune: "But not a Dust blast, clearly."

Weiss: "SHUT UP!"

This could easily go a White Knight route here and I absolutely adore that fact. Practically writes itself!

*Weiss knocks two Fang weapons away, downs one with a stab and the other with some well-timed Ice Dust but yelps as a third jaw-jacks her, knocking her to the ground but drops dead from a sniper blast*

Ruby: *Terrified* "WEISS!!!"

*Weiss turns in time to see her death; an enemy squad of six archers fire three arrows each and with her aura so low, most of the eighteen will hit and kill her easily*

Jaune: *Is suddenly in front of a wide-eyed Weiss, staring up at him* "Dammit, problem child." *Smiles gently to let her know it's okay*

*Jaune is then pierced by no less than eleven arrows, but remains on his feet thanks to his bow planted in the ground protecting a horrified, teary-eyed Weiss*

Jaune: *Coughs blood* "Heh. Eleven out of eighteen? f*cking amateurs." *Collapses*

*The archer's become a meat slurry from endless shotgun blasts, katana slashes, sniper rounds, hammer blows, SMG fire and Polarity ripping

everything apart*

Weiss: *Crying* "Nonononononononono!!!" *Castes Slow after Slow on Jaune, fully intending to save his life and thank him - she'll take a page out of Blake's book, the pervert, if she has to*

Inspired by that old Link and Zelda picture where Link gets violated by a ton of arrows.

Frankly Tired said:

Joan doesnt even have big breasts. She's just 1 cup size larger than Weiss.

Joan: *Covering chest, blushing furiously* "Excuse you, washboard?!"

Thus begins a war . . .

And RBY, NPR can't tell if they wanna kill or kiss each other. 😂😂

AndrewJTalon said:

Archer!Jaune is still going to have trouble with Cardin like in canon because frankly, he trained to hit targets and fight at a MUCH longer distance than the combat arena. He was trained by Arjun to engage enemies at ranges of 100-300 meters. So fighting in an enclosed arena puts Jaune at an extreme disadvantage.

He does have a kukri, or short sword. Arjun uses a similar sword as a close-range weapon and as a tool (he was exiled from his home after all, and had to make use of a weapon that could also be a tool out in the wild.) He might also have a shishpar, or mace. But again, Archer!Jaune is not trained to fight at close range as well as he is able to fight at long. So he's still gonna get clobbered in a combat arena.

Of course, he can still hit anything he can see with an arrow or thrown weapon... So Cardin best not get too co*cky.

Different universe though, different teacher, probably slightly different Jaune so Jaune very handedly still solves his own problems . . .

*Jaune folds around Executioner, RWBY and his team wince and Cardin lets out a boisterous, annoying laugh when he makes it explode and sends Jaune stumbling. Seeing Jaune go for his last weapon, his kukri, Cardin stomps forth and puts his boot on it, kicks it away*

Cardin: *Way too smug* "Heh, don't know you even bother with this one, Teach, he can barely even fight! Now Jauney-boy," *Kicks Jaune in the chin, HARD* "say my name!"

*Spins with the blow, seeing stars but has also had enough and does the one thing Uncle Arjun made him promise to never do - flips his bow around, grabs it near the bottom and in a perfect swing for the golf course? Amped by aura? Drives his bow between an unprepared Cardin's legs*

Cardin: *Goes as pale as milk, let's out a piercing squeak and his eyes bulge before a sound like a balloon letting out air is heard*

Glynda: *Hand over mouth* "Oh my goodness."

Yang: *Uneasily* "And just like that, never trash-talking Archery Boy ever again."

Cardin: *Bonelessly slumps to ground, a long squeal still being heard*

Dove: *Rubbing forehead* "I told him to lay off Arc. I told him!"

Russel: *Clutching himself while cringing* "You did. But you know how Cardin is."

Dove: *Exasperated* "Arc's an archer! Sure he's kind of a dork and yeah, it was kinda funny the first time Cardin rag-dolled him but it's been weeks! Why doesn't that idiot learn!?"

Sky: *Groans* "Archer's are wimps. That's just Cardin logic." *Rolls eyes* "Nevermind the fact that we've seen Arc literally 180 on a f*cking dime and shoot a tiny little bird out of the sky."

Cardin* "Sounding as if he needs water* "My balls . . ."

Glynda: *Uncomfortably* "Mister Winchester, you've only lost seventeen percent of your aura, approximately nine percent with that last blow. Are you prepared to continue?"

Cardin: *Wheezing; Has now made himself very small and is cupping his mangled manhood* "Lady, I'm not perfect at full aura coverage. I don' even know who is. And Arc just nailed me with an aura empowered swing of a f*cking bow that must be made outta f*cking diamonds, right in my barely protected nuts. I'm jus' tryna avoid pukin'." *Fails; Is lying facefirst in his own vom* "ogodifellinit. Mah dignity. Arc?"

Jaune: *Smirking, not feeling even remotely bad* "Yeah?"

Carding: *Wheezing; Unmoving* "I'm sorry I was an asshole to you. After this, we good?"

Jaune: "As good as you're willing to take it."

Cardin: *Wheezing; Sniffling in agony* "Gimme a few months and we might be buds. Deadass on the few months. Gonna take loads of therapy to not be terrified of you from now on."

I just can't see this Jaune from what you've posted so far ever letting things get as bad as canon, I can't see any of the bullying actually happening and I'd think Jaune would put an arrow up main street before he let Cardin f*ck with Pyrrha.

Also, because I apparently didn't say anything on the first one? f*cking excellent idea and one I can fully get behind. I started off playing video games with the SNES, the Sega for a while (backtracked to the NES, Atari in adulthood) before I got the the N64 and PS1, but one of the first more teen or adult oriented games I played was Syphon Filter on the Playstation. Which engendered a deep love of stealth games for me. As I grew up, I continued. Adored the sh*t out of the Hitman series up until Blood Money (it's gotten good again; but I much prefer the old days of the series and would love actual games like Codename 47, Silent Assassin, Contracts and Blood Money again) and it was forever before Splinter Cell was dethroned as my favorite game franchise of all time. The only one I wasn't crazy about was conviction but I must have beat those all like ten to twenty times (Blood Money, no joke, I've played hundreds of times altogether; I could go pick up the game right now, pop it in and probably Silent Assassin the game off of memory). If a game gives an option, I am stealthy boy. If stealth is an option, plus snipers/long range or assassin weaponry? I'm all about that.

Which means archery's a f*ck the hell yes for me (Skyrim, first playthrough back on 11/11/11 I was a Wood Elf just because of the +10 Archery and +5 Sneak). Even magic bowman.

So I absolutely love this f*cking storyline and hope you knock out a ton of these. 😋

Also, ogodifellinit is from an ancient and yet still hilarious YouTube video entitled: Gmod Zombie Survival Guide

FinalFormer said:

Neither Jaune nor Weiss knew who made the first move, but the two were suddenly locked in an intense and passionate kiss. Weiss then regained her senses and pushed Jaune away. Her face glowing bright red.

Weiss: "G-Get out!"

Jaune: "But this is my dorm!"

Weiss: "I SAID GET OUT!!"

Shades of Xander and Cordelia. 😂💀

But this. I love this. Definitely has a good White Knight feel to it and maybe I'm just stuck on the aforementioned Archer/Caster of it all, but hell yeah.

Also, I feel like this could be canon if Jaune and Weiss ever communicated in the early volumes. Jaune learns why Weiss is so against him, Weiss learns she is, in fact, overreacting.

But I guess the Tragedy of Pyrrha the Unwise was more important.

bejammin2000 said:

Tune in! Same Cat-Time! Same Cat-Thread!

Jaune: *Displaying his Catman costume for the first time* "Ehhh?" *Grins*

Blake: *Wide-eyed, appreciative* "Purrr-fect! Uh, sh*t, I mean, uh, uhm, gimme a minute!" *Lunges out window*


Jaune: *Bummed out* "Huh. Wonder what the over-under on me getting dumped before we even kissed was?" *Dodges shadow* "HOLY CATNIP! Who dares . . ." *Non-verbal as he stares*

Blake: *Preens under attention and turns so Catman can get a look at the back, smiles wickedly at his massive blush at the massive amount of junk in her trunk* "Soooo, you like?" *Looks down* "Ah. No need to say a word. I can see you positively love it."

Jaune: *Very raspy, still ogling* "Hamana-hamana-hamana."

Blake: *Undoes bow, cat-ears out and a tiny domino mask over her eyes*

Jaune: *Would do a spit take if water were in his mouth* "Absolutely not! I forbid it!"

Blake: *Shocked* "Wha?! You love it! I can literally see exactly how much you--"

Jaune: *Scowls* "Enough about that, it doesn't listen to whatever amount of brains I have left! You need a proper costume!"

Blake: *Stamps foot, Jaune is briefly distracted by the results* "I'm wearing one!"

Jaune: *Incredulous* "That costume's only for me! Find something different for the streets!"

Blake: *Ears down, sighs* "Fine. Bu--" *Squeals as Jaune mutters 'good', throws her over his shoulder and power-walks to their bedroom*

AndrewJTalon said:

Damnit, I watched a little Fate for this and now I'm hooked.

Well, it's superb. It's not the crazy narrative crafting some people do where it reads like I'm reading something from the creators, but I appreciate that because reading all that can be exhausting sometimes (like, I'm a fan of the entire Nasuverse but goddamn sometimes those kinda fics, authors make me feel like I don't know jack-f*ck about anything about it). Here it's stated a bit more simply but it excels because of it. It gives a sense of the otherworldliness, the sheer metaphysicality behind the weapon Jaune now wields and in doing so does a fabulous job of making complete and utter victory over Salem, her forces, potentially even the Gods feel possible.

Considering it's the Sword of Promised Victory?

Nicely f*cking done, dude. I mean it. It's a wee bit of wordplay that accomplishes a hell of a lot. 👏

Now, GG: pack it in Salem, you played, you've just hit a game over because a dude who can amp his semblance is carrying around crystallized hope and wants to gank you and your pet Cinder. Isn't gonna go too well for you, lmao.

I'll definitely read more of this one too. The places it could go are crazy: imagine if we get into some Alter Jaune's. The yikes levels would be off the friggin' charts.

Insomnius said:

I would argue that Weiss's real aptitude is the Glyphs as she uses them for a lot of different effects in conjunction with Dust. I agree that Winter is the best with the sword.

I would have Whitley be the best with summoning in order to reflect him being hands off. He's not the kind of person who charges into the fray, his big strengths are admin and strategy. If he has to fight, he would be directing his summons like a general to his troops while staying out of danger himself.

That or high-speed casting, basically using Glyphs like magic and maybe having a Glyph the others don't. For telekinesis or one that works as a tractor beam, allowing him to basically munchkin telekinesis. Just Whitley turning Glyphs into magic, to the point where Winter and Weiss could be hella jealous of their awesome baby brother.

bejammin2000 said:

So for Catman and Kitten...

The only real team that made it to Beacon would be Ruby, Yang, Ren, and Nora.

Cardin would be like... I guess Bane.

And the other three would be the Terrible Trio.

And I had this thought of Pyrrha tried to do a make up sponsorship, but it went... badly.

Then probably something with Sun and the rest of SSSN, not entirely sure.

It's supposed to be something where Jaune is trying to deal with the grief of the loss of his parents and perhaps sisters or something and the best catharsis is beating people up in a Cat costume.

Super slow burn Knightshade, as Blake becomes one of Jaune's anchors to the real world, despite indulging him.... which gets worse as real villains start cropping up.

(There were no plans for a Blake-Man gag.)

So Weiss is in the place of Nora Fries, Whitley's gone full BTAS Mr. Freeze and Winter's likely still a specialist for Ironwood, but is more than likely just a robotic yes-woman. So if Ironwood goes off the rails here, he could go "dissidents!" at a pack of innocents and Winter might just mow through them. Just the same Winter might wind up a plant in Ironwood's military, perhaps taking up a role as the Talia al Ghul to Nicholas Schnee's Ra's al Ghul? Really just f*ck up the RWBY-verse?

Cardin as Bane could be interesting, since Catman and Bane are generally at least on speaking terms, if not friendly (not now of course; right now Catman's on some Harley Quinn mandated "self care" time and is literally sitting at home, licking his gloves. Yes I'm serious and yes it's mad unfortunate) with one another.

Especially if you follow the idea that all of CRDL has rich Mommy's and Daddy's (that's fanon, right?) and those three are just bored assholes.

. . . Thanks to a lot of brainstorming and immediately wanting to re-read some comics, I have a particularly dumb but also kinda hilarious idea for SSSN. They're the Gorilla Gang and they're taking orders from Gorilla Boss - which could be Junior's brain in a gorilla body and Junior actually looks out for these idiots, because they're loyal to him, respectful to him and do not, in fact, care that he's a giant gorilla in a suit and fedora. Whereas his old gang laughed at him, including those ungrateful little brats, the Malachite Twins (Artemis Crock and Cheshire?).

Hmm. Reading that I feel a little guilty about what I wrote. 😅

Either way I'm into it. Catman's a f*cking blast whether he's serious or a goof and a blend of campy 1960s television with a side of burgeoning DC comics darkness as more and more villains come crawling from between the cracks sounds like a hell of a time, I'm always down for some good Knightshade. The idea that she's kinda his rock, that she keeps him from fully f*cking losing it and becoming as bad as all these jackass villains is really good too. Especially if it becomes more-and-more difficult. I'd read the hell out of any more of this, if it isn't entirely obvious.

AndrewJTalon said:



Cue up Nora.

Nora: *After several incredibly awkward moments of Nora staring directly at an unsettled Mordred, to Jaune* "Why does your Uncle have boobs, Jaune?"


Nora: *Screaming in terror as she's being chased by an enraged, madly blushing Mordred* "I'M SORRY YOU CRAZY OLD MAN, YOU HAVE A VERY NICE--"


*Mordred is now embedded in the ground, skull-first, only one leg twitching as a sign of life*

Arturia: *Sternly* "Do no make that sweet young girl utter anything so crass, Mordred!"

Modred: *Deeply muffled*

Arturia: *Nods primly* "You're forgiven."

Nora: *Wide-eyed* "We're being trained by a possibly demented old man who can survive that?"

Ren: "Don't say 'demented' in that context Nora, it's extremely rude."

Jaune: *Ignores poor Ren along with Nora* "Yeah."

Nora: *Swallows* "We're gonna die."

*Shook that Nora said that, the two mentally agree*

Another solid update. The Jaune and Mom show actually reaches a nice conclusion here and it's actually all very adult. I like it, promises that there could be more interaction between those two.

Really stealing the scene is Arturia, becoming dictator (which should either chill James' robotics or send him into a tizzy; also bound to piss of Cinder and Salem since it automatically undoes a lot of the damage they did) and knighting Jaune. Giving the fight against the dark some real gravitas here, some much needed weight and giving off the vibe that Ozpin might not enjoy his immediate future and might meet a much less involved, pleasant fate here. Especially if Arturia and Mordred have anything to say about it, since they'd want all his information and then probably some answers about why this old witch is still a problem.

Fusion Blaster said:

The sewing club. She finds what seems like such a mundane, boring task to be very rewarding.

She's just not prepared for the level of mockery Yang is able to bring to bare.

She's surprised to find Jaune to her rescue. She discovers his endless home economics skills and the two bond. Yang wishes she was flexible enough to kick herself in the ass.

Frankly Tired said:

Did Ozpin ever say if his Immortality was a "Semblance", "magic", or divine to James and the other when he was Headmaster?

How did they not piece together that, Salem, who Ozpin admitted to have been fighting for a very long time, might also be immortal?

Yup. It's never shown on-screen but a big part of volume seven and eight is how the knowledge effects Ironwood.

As for Salem? Pure, unrelenting, stupidity. I'm serious because they have absolutely zero excuses.

Fusion Blaster said:

"You don't have to say anything Cap.

Honestly, a fic where Jaune's given Cap's shield is a good enough idea on its own. Jaune perhaps fights in the fall of Beacon and Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, whoever just one-shots both sword and shield. Feeling lost, hopeless, Ruby comes forth with the old piece of nigh-on mystical piece of metal. Admits that it belonged to her Grandpa: a man who took his wife's name and was the inspiration to Summer Rose to become a hero. He about moved an eight year old Summer to tears once:

"Do you have any idea how tired I am of that? You people telling me how I just don't understand? When it's you people -- you clever people -- who don't get it. I don't let people die because it's the lesser of two evils or expedient, or because it serves the greater good . . . I don't compare the act against something else -- I see someone who needs help . . . and I help. You think it's a weakness. You think it's simple . . . but you're wrong. It's what makes us human . . . which is exactly what we're supposed to be fighting for. I know who I am. I rescue the helpless. I raise up the hopeless. I don't measure people's lives . . . I save them."

She can't remember who he said it to or why, but the speech stuck with her. And Ruby. And Jaune stares at the colors he recognizes as Atlas' (Atlas is technically America) and slowly, over time and travel isn't just "Cap" to Ruby, but becomes a figure thought lost to recent history in the form of the Captain. Jaune doesn't quite understand the values of Ruby's grandfather, but his own align enough that Ruby thinks her grandpa would be proud that Jaune's using his shield, wearing a similar costume to him.

AndrewJTalon said:


Jaune: "That's your answer to everything."

Jeanne: *Twitches*


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