Oxalis Iron Cross ( Good Luck Plant ) » Flower Duty (2024)

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Oxalis Iron Cross is also known as the Good Luck plant or Oxalis Tetraphylla, it is native to Mexico and it is one of the easiest plants to grow. The best part about this plant is that it will grow well both in full sun or partial shade. Oxalis Iron Cross is grown both for its foliage and its flowers as well, its foliage is predominantly green with dark purple-ish triangles which looks like an iron cross, its flowers are pink or red depending in what kind of soil it is grown.

The special characteristic of this plant is that its leaves close up during the night, and open up in the morning. The Oxalis Iron Cross is a perennial plant usually grown from bulbs, the bulbs are rather small and relatively cheap so you can easily plan a beautiful flower border with them. If you want to grow some alliums as well then check out my recent article Allium Mount Everest ( Allium Stipitatum Mount Everest ).

Characteristics: Perennial Bulb
Hardiness Zone: Zone 7-10
Sun Requirements: Full Sun. Shade
Height And Width: Height 5″- 12″ ( 12cm-30cm ), Width 3″-6″ ( 7cm-15cm )
Flowering Period: June – August
Planting: Easy
Propagation: Dividing Bulbs, Seeds
Deer Resistance: Yes
Pet Friendliness: No
Pests: Slugs, Aphids
Indoor Care: Easy
Soil Type And PH: Clay, Sand, Loam, Acidic, Alkaline, Neutral
Water Requirements: Moderate
Invasive: No
Pots And Containers: Yes

If you want to plant Oxalis, then my personal recommendation is to plant both Oxalis Iron Cross and Oxalis Triangularis as they complement each other extremely well Click here to check it out on Amazon.com

Table of Contents

Oxalis Iron Cross Characteristics

This plant is usually grown from bulbs which tend to multiply once they are established. It is a mostly carefree plant, as you do not even have to deadhead them, but you will have to separate the bulbs once every 5 years or so. Once the bulbs have clumped up due to new bulbs forming some of them might die off if you do not divide them. The Oxalis Iron Cross tends to bloom for a relatively long time, and it will thrive in any type of soil.

Oxalis Iron Cross Hardiness Zone

The Oxalis Iron Cross is a perennial plant only between Zone 7-10 and an annual plant in the rest of the zones. This means that between Zone 7-10 you can leave it in the garden during the winter, but you have to dig the bulbs up and store them in a cool dark environment if you are not in Zones 7-10. The Oxalis Iron Cross will do well from Zone 7-10, as it is originally from Mexico it will thrive in areas with somewhat hotter climates. Even though I am in Zone 6 I still have no problems growing this plant, and it comes up every year without a problem.

In case your area has fairly humid winters and your soil doesn’t drain well then you might want to plant the bulbs in an area where the extra moisture will not rot the bulbs away.

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Oxalis Iron Cross Sun Requirements

The Oxalis Iron Cross can grow both in full sun and in partial shade as well. Just keep in mind that these plants come from a relatively hot environment, so they will have no problem growing in partial shade in the south but in the northern parts of the country, you should grow them in full sun. If your Oxalis Iron Cross doesn’t flower in partial shade then you should relocate it to a full sun area and it should flower.

Oxalis Iron Cross Height And Width

The Oxalis Iron Cross is a relatively short plant, its height is between 5″- 12″ ( 12cm-30cm ) and its width is around 3″-6″ ( 7cm-15cm ). If it is grown in full sun then it will be shorter and wider, in partial shade, it will grow tall and thinner.

Oxalis Iron Cross Flowering Period

Generally speaking, the Oxalis Iron Cross will bloom from June to August, although in the southern parts of the country it could bloom even during October. In colder climates, the flowering period can be cut short if the nights tend to be fairly cold. The color of the flowers are usually pink, but sometimes they can come up as red, it all depends on the local climate and of the soil composition.

Oxalis Iron Cross Planting

Planting the Oxalis Iron Cross is extremely easy, just dig a small hole that is 3 times deeper than the size of the bulb and place the bulb with the pointy tip up. Fill in the hole with garden soil or with some kind of compost. You can also mulch the area with wood chips, compost, hay, and so on as the Oxalis Iron Cross bulbs will have no problem growing right through the mulch. The best time to plant the bulbs is during the autumn, generally speaking around 6-7 weeks before your first frost date.

Oxalis Iron Cross Propagation

The Oxalis Iron Cross is extremely easy to propagate, and the best part about it is that it can easily do it by itself. The bulbs tend to multiply, which can either be left alone or divided for more plants. In addition to this the Oxalis Iron Cross can also be a fairly reliable self-seeder in some areas, and collecting the seeds is extremely easy.

Oxalis Iron Cross Deer Resistance

For the most part, the Oxalis Iron Cross is deer resistant, although if the deer are hungry enough they will eat it.

Oxalis Iron Cross Pet Friendliness

Unfortunately, the Oxalis Iron Cross is not pet friendly as it is poisonous to pets, its leaves contain oxalic acid which when ingested could cause serious problems. If you have pets that tend to dig up your bulbs or eat some of their leaves then you should avoid planting this plant.

Oxalis Iron Cross Pests

The Oxalis Iron Cross has two main pests, slugs and aphids. Generally speaking, the slugs will eat the first shoots coming out of the bulb, which can stunt the growth or outright kill the plant. Once the weather is hot enough for the Oxalis Iron Cross to push through the surface you should either use slug pellets or place a plastic bottle on top of it for extra protection. Once the plant is mature enough the slugs will mostly stay away from it.

The second most common pest for the Oxalis Iron Cross are aphids, which tend to attack once the plant has matured. You can remove them by hand or by using pesticides for aphids.

Oxalis Iron Cross Indoor Care

The Oxalis Iron Cross can actually be grown indoors, make sure to use high-quality potting soil and place it next to a window where it gets plenty of sunlight. This plant will do fine in partial shade, but it will struggle indoors if it is not getting direct sunlight for at least a couple of hours a day. In case it doesn’t get enough sunlight the plant will simply not flower.

Oxalis Iron Cross Soil Type And PH

The Oxalis Iron Cross will grow well in, clay, sand, or loam soils. If you have compacted clay soil then you need to loosen up the soil while planting. The Oxalis Iron Cross can grow in alkaline, acidic, and neutral soil, so do not worry about your soil PH. As long as things are growing in the area where you are planting them, then it should do well.

Oxalis Iron Cross Water Requirements

The Oxalis Iron Cross has a relatively moderate water requirement, as this plant is native to Mexico it can be somewhat drought tolerant as well, especially if it is growing in partial shade. Usually what tends to kill this plant is overwatering, which often can lead to the bulbs and roots rotting.

Is The Oxalis Iron Cross Invasive?

No, the Oxalis Iron Cross, is not an invasive plant, although if you plant hundreds of bulbs then you might want to thin them out once every couple of years.

Can Oxalis Iron Cross Be Grown In Pots And Containers?

Yes, the Oxalis Iron Cross can be grown in pots and containers, especially as the plant tends to be relatively short with shallow roots. If you are planting them in pots and containers outside then make sure to give them enough water as these containers tend to dry out relatively fast. As a general rule, you should avoid plastic pots and containers, but any other container will do well. You can even get away by using a small container if you are planting only one bulb, but the more bulbs you plant the bigger the container should

Can I Grow Oxalis Iron Cross In My State?

The Oxalis Iron Cross can be grown in every US state, even if your local USDA hardiness zone is above or below zones 7-10 you can still grow it as an annual, which means that you have to dig up the bulbs in the autumn and replant them in the spring. If you don’t know your hardiness zone then you can check it USDA Hardiness Zones.

StateHardiness ZoneCan I Grow It?
Alabama7a to 9aYes, In The Entire State
Alaska1a to 8bYes, In Zones 7-8
Arizona4b to 10bYes In Zones 7-10
Arkansas6b to 8aYes, In Zones 7-8
California5a to 11bYes, In Zones 7-10
Colorado3a to 7aYes, In Zone 7
Connecticut5b to 7aYes, In Zone 7
Delaware7a to 7bYes, In The Entire State
Florida8 to 11Yes, In The Entire State
Georgia6a to 9aYes, In Zones 7-9
Hawaii9a to 13aYes, In Zones 9-10
Idaho3 to 7Yes, In Zone 7
Illinois5a to 7aYes, In Zone 7
Indiana5b to 6bYes, As An Annual Plant
Iowa4b to 5bYes, As An Annual Plant
Kansas5a to 6bYes, As An Annual Plant
Idaho1a to 8bYes, In Zones 7-8
Kentucky6a to 7aYes, In Zone 7
Louisiana8 to 9Yes, In The Entire State
Idaho1a to 8bYes, In Zones 7-8
Maine3 to 6Yes, As An Annual Plant
Maryland5b and 8aYes, In Zones 7-8
Massachusetts5a to 7bYes, In Zone 7
Michigan4a to 6bYes, As An Annual Plant
Minnesota3a to 5aYes, As An Annual Plant
Mississippi7b to 9aYes, In The Entire State
Missouri5b to 7aYes, In Zones 7
Montana3a to 6aYes, As An Annual Plant
Nebraska4b to 5bYes, As An Annual Plant
Nevada4a to 10aYes, In Zones 7-10
New Hampshire3b to 6aYes, As An Annual Plant
New Jersey6a to 7bYes, In Zones 7
New Mexico4 to 9Yes, In Zones 7-9
New York3b to 7bYes, In Zone 7
North Carolina5b to 8bYes, In Zones 7-8
North Dakota2b-6aYes, As An Anual Plant
Ohio5b and 6bYes, As An Annual Plant
Oklahoma6a to 8aYes, In Zones 7-8
Oregon4b to 9bYes, In Zones 7-9
Pennsylvania5b to 7aYes, In Zone 7
Rhode Island5b and 7aYes, In Zone 7
South Carolina7a and 9aYes, In Zones 7-9
South Dakota3b to 5bYes, As An Annual Plant
Tennessee5b to 8aYes, In Zones 7-8
Texas6a to 9bYes, In Zones 7-9
Utah4a to 9aYes, In Zones 7-9
Vermont3b to 5bYes, As An Annual Plant
Virginia5a to 8aYes, In Zones 7-8
Washington4a to 9aYes, In Zones 7-9
West Virginia5a to 7aYes, In Zone 7
Wisconsin3b to 5bYes, As An Annual Plant
Wyoming2a to 5bYes, As An Annual Plant

In Conclusion

As you can see the Oxalis Iron Cross is relatively easy to care for and I highly recommend it even to beginner gardeners. This plant tends to bloom for a relatively long time, and if the soil conditions are good then you can see blooms even at the end of autumn.

Oxalis Iron Cross ( Good Luck Plant ) » Flower Duty (2024)


Is Iron Cross Oxalis a perennial or annual? ›

Oxalis Tetraphylla 'Iron Cross' is a bulbous herbaceous perennial plant from Mexico, named after a popular cultivar.

What is the benefit of Oxalis flower? ›

The traditional uses of Oxalis corniculata in folk medicine comprise its use for a variety of health benefits including its use in treatment of neurological disorders like epilepsy, depression, dementia and neurodegenerative maladies (Aruna et al., 2016;Senthil Kumar, 2010;Gohain, 2018a, 2018b); gastric disorders; ...

Is Oxalis Iron Cross indoor or outdoor? ›

These Oxalis can be grown indoors or outdoors but I think they make a lovely bit of winter colour in your home so I would always grow them indoors and maybe plant out into the garden after the last frost and bring in before the first frost hits in Autumn.

What does the Oxalis flower symbolize? ›

Shamrocks, otherwise also known as Oxalis, have symbolized many things throughout history. Legend has it that the leaves of the four-leaf clover symbolize hope, faith and love, and God added another leaf for luck.

Where is the best place to plant Oxalis? ›

— When planting outdoors, choose a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade with free-draining soil. Space the plants around 10-15cm apart from each other in borders or containers. — Water-in after planting and continue to water regularly once you see the leaves appear or if the soil becomes very dry.

Do Oxalis like full sun or shade? ›

Oxalis will do best in very bright indirect sunlight and can handle direct sunlight through a window. However, if kept outside it cannot handle direct light and must be kept in the shade. Water your Oxalis when the soil is 50-75% dry. Your plant cannot tolerate soggy soil.

Is Oxalis a lucky plant? ›

Exceptionally rewarding, Oxalis tetraphylla 'Iron Cross' (Good Luck Plant) is a bulbous perennial forming a lush mound of rich green leaves composed of 4 heart-shaped leaflets, each with a dark purplish blotch at its base.

Is Oxalis good luck? ›

In ancient days the Celts believed that white clover warded off evil spirits (it DOES attract pollinators). With it's 3 leaves it also became a symbol of the Holy Trinity to early Christians. *Interesting note: the leaves fold up at night as if praying…

How long do Oxalis flowers last? ›

While primarily prized for their foliage, you may spot blooms on your Oxalis. Small five-petal clusters of light pink or white flowers may appear from spring through summer, lasting for 3-5 days at a time.

Does Oxalis like coffee grounds? ›

CLOVER LUCKY FOR GARDEN WORTH TRYING: Ferns, oxalis and other plants that dote on acid soil react well to having coffee grounds and tea leaves dumped into their containers or around their bases.

How tall do Oxalis iron cross grow? ›

They are low growing 15 cm tall making them perfect for some areas in the garden i.e. in the rockery, around the fish pond, front borders, pots and containers. The foliage on Iron Cross has the appearance of a four leaf clover and starts to appear in April.

Do Oxalis plants spread? ›

Oxalis spread very easily via tuberous rhizomes in their soil, modified subterranean plant stems that send out shoots and delicate roots from their nodes. Long petioles, or stems, will grow from these tubers above the soil to produce the foliage that we see!

Do Oxalis come back every year? ›

Oxalis triangularis goes dormant in winter and regrows the following spring.

How do you keep Oxalis over the winter? ›

You can also put the plants in a pot and allow them to go completely dormant, which means no watering. Store in a cool, unheated (but non-freezing) room. Move the oxalis plants to a well-lit location in spring, resume watering, and then move back outdoors when all danger of frost has passed.

Are Oxalis plants perennials? ›

Purple oxalis (common name for Oxalis triangularis) is an herbaceous perennial plant. Also known as false shamrock or purple shamrock plant, purple oxalis has deep purple, heart-shaped leaflets that grow in clusters of three.

Is Oxalis winter hardy? ›

Oxalis plants grow prolifically during warm weather but are not winter hardy. That means after the first frost, it's time to dig them and store them. In early to mid-September, the living plants could be dug and become houseplants for the winter. In October or November, they can be dug to store.


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.