• MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON DEFAULT August 05, 2016 (3)
  • MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON DEFAULT August 05, 2016 (4)
  • MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON DEFAULT August 05, 2016 (5)
  • MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON DEFAULT August 05, 2016 (6)
  • MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON DEFAULT August 05, 2016 (7)
  • MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON DEFAULT August 05, 2016 (8)
  • MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON DEFAULT August 05, 2016 (9)
  • MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON DEFAULT August 05, 2016 (10)


DOCKET #: KNL-CV14-6022063-S : SUPERIOR COURTCACH, LLC. : J.D. OF NEW LONDONVv. : AT NEW LONDONASMENA WILEY : DATE: AUG 0 5 2016PLAINTIFF’S REQUEST FOR JUDGMENT DUE TO DEFENDANT’S FAILURETO PLEAD(PURSUANT TO P.B. §17-25 and §17-33 )The undersigned requests that judgment enter against the Defendant(s) ASMENA.WILEY in the amount of $1,373.61 together with pre-judgment interest and costs andmakes affidavit that:1. The total amount due the Plaintiff{s) exclusive of costs in its claim against theDefendant(s) is $ 1,373.61.2. That the Defendant(s) is/are not an infant(s) or incompetent person(s)3. That the Defendant(s) is/are not in the military service of the United States or its Allies,as defined in the Service Members Civil Relief Act of 2004, but is presently residingat 27 Catherine St in New London, CT 06320.4, The Defendant(s) was defaulted by the court for failure to plead on or about 6/9/2016.Dated: AUG OS 2016 |Respectfully submitted,CmJ. A. Cambece Law Office, P.C.Edward L. Zelmanow, Esq. (Juris #412070)200 Cummings Center, Suite 173 DBeverly, MA. 01915866-859-4139DOCKET #: KNL-CV 14-6022063-S : SUPERIOR COURTCACH, LLC : J.D, OF NEW LONDONv. : AT NEW LONDONASMENA WILEY : DATE: AUG 0 5 20 16BILL OF COSTSI, the undersigned, of J. A. Cambece Law Office, being the attorney for the Plaintiff certifyas follows,B. $ 0.00 in payments have been made to the Plaintiff from the date of serviceof the complaint to the date on which damages are assessed.Cc. The net balance due to the Plaintiff from the Defendant as of the date of thiscertificate is set out as follows:Complaint Amount $ 1,373.61Payments $ 0,00Pre-Judgment Interest at Statutory $ 264.00Maximum of 10% per annum as Calculated fromThe date of filing (9/2/2014) to08/04/2016Plaintiff's Bill of CostsEntry Fee $ 225.00Sheriff's Fee $ 56.34TOTAL DAMAGES $ 1,918.95Dated: AUG 0 5 0 16 Respectfully submitted,LO) A_—J. A. Cambece Law Office, P.C.Edward L. Zelmanow, Esq. (Juris #412070)200 Cummings Center, Suite 173 DBeverly, MA. 01915866-859-4139DOCKET #: KNL-CV14-6022063-S : SUPERIOR COURTCACH, LLC. : J.D. OF NEW LONDONVS, : AT NEW LONDONASMENA WILEYWAIVER OF ATTORNEY’S FEESI, the undersigned, attorney for the above named plaintiff do hereby waiveAttorney Fees as prayed for in the complaint.Signed under the penalties of perjury.Respectfully submitted,Eh A—.J. A. Cambéck Law Office, P.C.Edward L. Zelmanow, Esq. (Juris #412070)200 Cummings Center, Suite 173 DBeverly, MA. 01915866-859-4139DOCKET #: KNL-CV14-6022063-S : SUPERIOR COURTCACH, LLC. : 4D. OF NEW LONDONVv. : AT NEW LONDONASMENA WILEYDATE: AUG a 5 2016MILITARY AFFIDAVITL, the undersigned, on behalf of the plaintiff CACH, LLC on oath depose and saythat the Defendant(s) see ASMENA WILEY in the above-named action is NOT in themilitary service of the United States or any of its allies, as defined in the Soldiers’ andSailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940, as amended, but is at present 27 Catherine St NewLondon, CT 06320.SUBSCRIBED UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURYDated: AUG 0 6 2016Respectfully submitted,“1AJ. A. Cambece Law Office, P.C.Edward L. Zelmanow, Esq. (Juris #412070)200 Cummings Center, Suite 173 DBeverly, MA. 01915866-859-4139NOTICE OF JUDGMENTInstructions to ClerkSTATE OF CONNECTICUTAND ORDER FOR Mail a copy of this notice and order to plaintiff/plaintif's SUPERIOR COURTatiorney and keep the original in the court fite.WEEKLY PAYMENTS 1D won judo. govJD-CV-50 Rev. 9-09 instructions to Plaintiff/Plaintiffs Attorney Gourt Lise OnlyPLB. § 17-23 et seq 1. Compiete Section f. RETJGOR2. Complete "Payable to" line in Section It by filling in the nameand address of the person who is to receive payments.3. After notification of judgment send a copy of this notice to theNATE A A AHMDocket numberKNL-CV14-6022063-SDefendant(s) and return the original to Clerk's Office with thecertification below completed (Section Ii).Section I (To be completed by Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney)Geographic Address of Court (Namber, street, town, and zp code)Judicial Housing AreaX District Session Number. 70 Huntington St New London 06320Name of case (Piainfif v. Defendand)CACH, LLC V, ASMENA WILEYName(s) of Defendant's who must pay the JudgmentASMENA WILEYSection Il — Notice To All Parties (To be completed by clerk)The following judgment may be enforced 21 (twenty-one) days after the clerk receives acertification that a copy of this notice was served on each judgment debtor (defendant).JudgmentAfter reviewing the affidavits filed in this matter, the court finds that the defendant(s) named above is/are not in the military or navalservice and that the following are owed to the Plaintiff(s):1. Amount Due On Claims ...........008 §2. Interest... 2.0. eee $So3. Reasonable Attomey's Fees.........4, Other Lawful Charges ..5. Total Amount Of Judgment... .(Total of lines 1-4)6. Plaintiffs Costs .7. Total Amount Of Judgment And Costs g(Total of lines 5 and 6)Judgment is rendered for the Plaintiffs) and the Defendant(s) named above must pay the Total Amount of Judgment and costs to thePlaintiff(s). It is also ordered that the Defendant(s) who must pay the judgment must make weekly payments as follows:Amount of weekly paymentDOL ©Date first payment is duePayable to (Name and address of person who fs to receive payments)bead{|_3..A. Cambece Law Office, P.C. 200 Cummings Ctr, Suite 173D Bevelry, MA 01915By the Court (Name of Judge} Signec (Judge/Assistant clerk} Date signedSection Hi — Certification Of Service Of Notice And Judgment To Ali Parties| certify that a copy of this Notice and Judgmeni has been delivered or mailed by U.S. Mail, to the Defendants named below and that |paid the postage for that mailing. (Enter name(s) and address(es) of Defendant{s)):ASMENA WILEY27. Catherine StNew London CT, 06320Signed (Plaintii/Attorney for Paint)Date signed Date deliveredimailedEdward L. Zelmanow, Fsq_ (Juris #412070)AFFIDAVIT OF DEBTstate or ____Golorada 8§county or DENVER 5BEPORE, ME. the undersigned authority, on this day personally appearedup i who, after first being duly sworn, upon his oath,deposed ad stated a as follows:“My name is 3 . Tam over eighteen years of age,of sound mind and fully competent to make this Affidavit, and have personalknowledge of the facts stated herein:Tam a custodian of records of CACH, LLC and 1 am authorized to makethis affidavit ofits behalf, I am familiar with the process of CACH, LLC regardingits. purchase of accounts. It is CACH, LLC’s regular practice to obtain, integrate,and rely upon the documents prepared by the issuer of the debt. Saiddocuments are integrated into the records of CACH, LLC, kept in the regularcourse of CACH, LLC’s business, and CACH, LLC relies upon the accuracy ofsuch documentation in its day to day business activities. GE CAPITAL RETAILBANK is known by CACH, LLC to be a reliable source of such information, asthat entity is regulated by the United States and charged with keeping accuraterecords,Attached hereto are records of CACH, LLC, including the integratedrecords of GE CAPITAL RETAIL BANK, entitled Aff of Sale, Bill of Sale, Statements12/2011, 11/2011, 10/2011, 9/2011, 8/2011, 7/2011, 6/2011. These recordsare kept by CACH, LLC in the regular course of business, and it was the regularcourse of business of CACH, LLC for an employee or representative of CACH,LLC with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion, or diagnosis recordedto make the record or to. transmit information thereof to be included in suchrecord, and the record was made at or near the time or reasonably soonthereafter. The records attached hereto are the original or exact duplicates ofthe original.In preparation of this Affidavit, I] have reviewed CACH, LLC’s electronicdata file on ASMENA WILEY aiong with the Exhibits attached hereto. Based onmy familiarity with CACH, LLC’s procedures regarding obtaining and integratingaccount documents upon purchase of charged off accounts, my review of CACH,LLC’s electronic data file and the attached Exhibits, and my general familiaritywith this account, 1 have personal knowledge of the account and the mattersstated herein are true. According ic the electronic data file and attached records,it appears as follows:Aff of Sale, Bill of Sale, Statements 12/2011, 11/2011, 10/2011, 9/2011,8/2011, 7/2011, 6/20111. For good and valuable consideration, Plaintiff purchased the Accountfrom the Original Creditor, or its assignee and Plaintiff is the currentcreditor on the account;2. All credits and payments have been property applied, Defendant is notentitled to any additional credits or offsets on the account of any kind,and the balance as set forth herein is currently due and owing. Thereis now due and payable from the Defendant the sum of $1373.61, pluscosts and reasonable attorney fees as permitted by law or contracts;3. To the best of the Affiant’s knowledge and based on the informationprovided by the Original Credit Grantor and a search of the data banksof the Department of Defense Manpower Data Center said Defendant isnot in the active military service of the United States.Signed this day ofSUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE MEEi. State of __Solarareg—. on theCounty ofNOTARY PUBLIC, State ofPRINTED NAME OF NOTARYMy commission expires:KATARZYNA 0. STRAHANnes NOTARY PUBLICSTATE OF COLORADONOTARY 1D 20074009100MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 18, 2089Department of Defense Manpower Data CenterLast Name: WILEYFirst Name: ASMENAMiddle Name:Active Duty Status As Of: Aug-04-2016Pursuant to Servicemembers Civil Relief ActRosulls as of: Aug-04-2016 06.01:28 ARSCRA 30On Active Duty On Active Duty Status DateAatiye Duty Star Bete ‘Active Duty End Date Status Santce ComporentNA NA { No kaThis response reflects the lndividuatc’ zctive ois) stati based an the Active Duty Status Date{.oh Active Duty Within 367 Days of Active Duty Status Datn‘Active Duty Start Date ‘Active Duty End Date Status Service ComponentNa Nt “No NA“This response rflgcts Whar the indivcuat itt ative duty status within 367 day preceding tho Active Outy Status Date‘The Member of HistHer Unit Wes Notiied of « Future Cali-Lp ta Active Dury on Active Buty Statue DateQider Notiicaton Stat Date Order Notification End Date Status Service ComponentNa Na Ko NAThis rospansa reflects whether tio individual or Hvbiscunit has racetved early notificetion 1s enor for active detyUpon searching the data banks of the Department of Defense Manpower Data Center, based on the information that you provided, the above is the status ofthe individual on the active duty status date as to all branches of the Uniformed Services (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, NOAA, Pubilc Health, andCoast Guard). This status includes information on a Servicemember or his/her unit receiving notification of future orders to report for Active Duty.Many A. Say DeonMary M. Snavely-Dixon, DirectorDepartment of Defense - Manpower Data Center4800 Mark Center Drive, Suite 04E25Arlington, VA 22350.The Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) is an organization of the Department of Defense (DoD) that maintains the Defense Enrollment and EligibilityReporting System (DEERS) database which is the official source of data on eligibility for mititary medical care and other eligibility systems.The DoD strongly supports the enforcement of the Servicemembers Civil Retief Act (60 USC App. 504 et seq, as amended} (SCRA) (formerly known as theSoldiers’ and Sailors’ Civ Relief Act of 1940). DMDC has issued hundreds of thousands of “does not possess any information indicating that the individualis currently on active duty" responses, and has experienced only a small error rate. in the avent the individual referenced above, or any family member,friend, or representative asserts in any manner that the individuai was on active duty for the active duty status date, or is otherwise entilled to the protectionsof the SCRA, you are strongly encouraged to obtain further verification of the person's status by contacting that person's Service via this URL:httpsu/kb defense. gov/PubltcQueriss/publicQuestions/FaqsAnswers jsp? Subject=Locating Service Members or Getting a Mailing Address. if you haveevidence the person was on active duty for the active duty status date and you fail to obtain this additional Service verification, punitive provisions of theSCRA may be invoked against you. See 50 USC App. ¥ 521(c).This response reflects the following information: (1) The individual's Active Duty status on the Active Duty Status Date (2) Whether the individual ieft ActiveDuty status within 367 days preceding the Active Duty Status Date (3) Whether the individual or his/her unit received early notification to report for activeduty on the Active Duty Status Date.More information on "Active Duty Status”Active duty status as reported in this certiftcate is defined in accordance with 10 USC § 101(d) (1). Prior to 2010 only some of the active duty periods lessthan 30 consecutive days in length were available. |n the case of a member of the Nationa Guard, this includes service under a call to active serviceauthorized by the President or the Secretary of Defense under 32 USC § 562(f) for purposes of responding te a national emergency declared by thePresident and supported by Federal funds. All Active Guard Reserve (AGR) members must be assigned against an authorized mobilization position in theunit they support. This includes Navy Training and Administration of the Reserves (TARs}, Marine Corps Active Reserve (ARs) and Coast Guard ReserveProgram Administrator (RPAs). Active Duty status also applies to a Uniformed Service member who is an active duty commissioned officer of the U.S.Pubtic Health Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA Cornmissioned Corps).Coverage Under the SCRA is Broader in Some CasesCoverage under the SCRA is broader in some cases and inciudes some categories of persons an active duty for purposes of the SCRA who would not bereported as on Active Duty under this certificate. SCRA protections are for Titie 10 and Title 14 active duty records for ail the Uniformed Services periods.Title 32 periods of Active Duty are not covered by SCRA, as defined in accordance with 10 USC § 101(d)(1),Many times orders are amended to extend the period of active duty, which would extend SCRA protections. Persons seeking to rely on this websitecertification should check to make sure the orders on.waich SCRA protections are based have not been amended to extend the inclusive dates of service.Furthermore, some protections of the SCRA may extend to persons who fave received orders to report for active duty or to be inducted, out who have notactually begun active duty or actually reported for induction. The Last Date on Active Duty entry is important because a number of protections of the SCRAextend beyond the last dates of active duty.Those who could rely on this certificate are urged to seek quaiified legal counsel to ensure that all rights guaranteed to Service members under the SCRAare protectedWARNING: This certificate was provided based on a last name, SSN/date of birth, and active duty status date provided by the requester, Providingerroneous information will cause an erronecus certificate to be provided.Certificate ID: 99X1LE18F378N80AFFIDAVIT OF SALESTATE GF: Minnesota78SCOUNTY OF; RamseyBEFORE ME, on the day and date set forth below, ihe undersigned Notary, being qualified andcommissioned in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally came and appeared DavidStrandky, who being duly sworn, did depose and. say:Affiant is a Collections Operations Representative at GE Capital Retail Bank, issuer of therelevant consumer transaction/credit card, I have reviewed the information below regarding thedebt INEM 7707 (the “Account™) made by ASMENA WILEY (the “Detitor”) madepayable to GE Capital Retail Bank and subsequently sold to CACH, LLC,‘The amount owed on the account on 1/24/2012, $1373.61 was sold to CACH, LLC and isreflected in the system of GE Capital Retail Bank.‘The following statement pertains if the debtor referenced above is a state of California resident: [certify under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that the foregoing istrue and correct,Executed this 22nd day of October, 2013bierDavid S ansky 7,Collections OperatiopfS RepresentativeSworn to and Subscribed before me this 22nd day of October, 2013KAW oll’Notary Public“4f | -WILLIAM 6, DUNE a My commission expires: “‘h Japenas eres ian St, O18NRRAR AAA!version 2.1 AOS. 6608, 2612 + St PakBLES fer? 4hs 3 we iio Melle LUBA. SLRS) LUT ree ore adFor value received and in further consideration of the mutusl covenants aid eeadlttions set forthin the Forward Flow Receivables Purchase Agreamont (the “Porchase Agresmant”), dated gs of Getoher4, 2010 by and batwesn General Blectric Capital Corporation, a Deleware Corporation, GE Cupital RetuitBant: (the GB Moany Bank), n federal savings bank. (oollectively “Saller"). and CACH, LLC ("Buyer").Soller hereby tranafers, sally, conveys, grency, and delivers to Buyer, Its suocensors and agaigna, wilhoutTacourse except ax set forth in the Purchase Agreement, to the extent of ite ovaterthip, the Recelvabies esstl forth in the Notification Plleg (ax defined in the Purchas Agreoment), delivered Sy Soller to Hyer oneach Tranefer Cinte, and ag furtiver described in tho Purchase Agreemont,Cut-effOete)Funding | Face Value Hot Purchiuge Price | Purchase PriceBote Arcounts Factor~ovew2o12 | 0/26/2012 | a | a _— se (eaGeneral Blactrio Capital Corporation GEM Lencling, Ino.By: By: SteeTide: Tithe: aE beeenDat Date: af faeGE Capit Remi! Bank Monogram Credit Services, LLC,By: ey By: Bertie? CmTide: fata chon dtDate: a ffirGEM Holding, L.1.C.Title: _ Fes Tide: _¢ fryEXHIBIT ABILL OF SALEFor value reocived and in furthet consideration of the minus! covenants and condisiona se forthin the Forward Flow Receivables Purchase A preement (the “Purohass Agreoment™), dated as of October8, 2010 by and between General Electric Caps] Corporstion, a Deleware Corporadion,GE Capiial RetritBank (ika GE Monty Bank), a federel sevings bank. {collectively “Belle) and CACH, LEC (“BuyerSeller hereby transfers, sells, conveys, grantz, and delivers to Buyer, ite suoneasors and assigns, withoutfenurse eguept ns set forth in the Purchase Agreement, to the extent of ils ownership, the Receivables asset forth in the Notification Fikes (ns defined io the Purchase Agreement}, delivered by Seller to Buyer oneach Transfer Date, and 2s firther desarbed in the Purchase Apreament,Cut-off Date ) Funding Fone Vole #of Purchose Price | Purchoge PriceDate accounts Foctoron/es/20l2 | OV/262012 | | | —s0 LSGeneral Etectrie Capital Corporation GEMB Lending, inc.By: brudl, [Peake By:tTide: WCE REA AT Tite:Data: OBO: Ia Date:GE Capital Resi] Bank Monogram Condit Services, L.LC,By. ByTitle: Tithe.Date: Date:RES Holding, LLC. GEM Holding, LLC.By By:Tithe: Tle:Crane: Tae;Notification Files12 NOQNOTAN JS INIUBHLYD £2, yNaWSY ATM )BLVIS 180 ALION 8G ZedaYHigd = NV 1180 WA L1G 3WVNd Liga SWYNTTLlaG Gown L99V MU dred ORO 90¥ GI NAO MasAINWN swayonl EE 20700 ozaverross SEbS-07£90W@Ldd AWVNd ZLdd FWVNT 218d 3d09 VOOR LLB BOG LLG NSS"L1GG MYOM"Hd 1180 SWOH Hd Ld AYLNNOD Lida ALNNOD tiga diz tigaOTEK SevS-07e90 19 NOGNOT MaN AS ANIYAHLEVD £ZSOd ZLaG NSS°218d HYOM”Hd 2180 RWOH Hd 218d AMLNNOD ZG ALNNOD Zigd diZZLad alvis Ziga auo ziaa zuaav zea yaav z1aqABINNOO ELGG ALNNOOELdG diZ Ela BLVIS C180 ALIOClaG zuddv elad UGGY clad WWe1dd AWYNd cisd BWVNT e180 3009 vooa zlaaALO PLG ZHaGY bid NaGV F190 IW¥i8G AWYNd F180 AWVWNT isd 3009 VOOR €i8d SOG £18d NSS £140 MYOM Hd CLEC 3WOH Hd cLaaBWVNS S180 SNYNTS1Gd 3d09 vOoa risd Od vlad NSS¥lgd WHOM Hd b1dd 3WOH Hd FIG AMLNNOD FLEG ALNNOD PLAC diz bisa Slvis pla80d S18G NSS $180 MYOM Hd SLAG SWOH Hd Sidd AMLNNOD SL8G ALNNOD Sis diz S1ad SLVLS S18q ALIOS1SG ZuGay Giga YadY Sid IW SLaaooo 000 ooo 000 66°62 ooo TO'ELET334” ADNFONILNOD” OV SLSOD SSIN DOV SLSOD LUNOD DOV SSas Liv DOV ALVY INI DOV LSAYSINI DOV IWdlONIud Dov G09" voor siadlequag Yeap ase9 6002/€T/L0 T10z/92/20HOLIGSYD OOD9V IWVNVOT DRO 33v 3ONVHOLSVT INV SDV ADYVHOLSVT 1d 99V NVOT LO"93V GHAVdISVT LY 99V dzAVdLSVT 1d 20¥DNV AINOW 39 ‘3198 600Z/ET/Z0 ULV N3dO TT0Z/0e/zT 3ivd 440 JOYVHO TLOz/E0/ra — Tr6z/OE/eT 2»eLXAL ViGain Zc Lxal viGaW f*ckSL VIGBW JONVENDIO LaDOV OD 1d 99V GEGIAONd DAYS OOV SdAL Las IOVA 6989796098 (LO9V TWNYFINI 39 diHSHaNMO LNIOFOL LXSL VIGAW 6 LXRL VIGSW 8 LX3i VIGSW 2 LXSL VIGRW 9° LKaL Vida SLXSL VIdaW Py LXaL VIGaNCARECREDITIGECRE AEMERA2 WEESNANCY LIDRENSGE Money seenesabeiad 7707Etamant Clesng Date TaB EET!Summary of Account Activity Payment informationPrevious Batanoe Pisses || New Balance ‘S000+ New Purchases soos || Teta Miniiniem Payment Dae 3543.00= Bapenaits son || Pasion Due Date staresAh Crm, oes Achustients fet SS0RRS | pAyMEENT DUE BV'S B.A), EASTERN ON THE DUE DATE,i _Inburst Chase tty 50.50 || We may eanven your pajmmant teen elkerorés aetie, waeNew Batance 50.06 | fomvare eo,Erect Limit $4,580.08 “Avetahis reat $0.00 || Late Paros Warbings tae do not sscnive’ ii énimuen Sagnnent Due by the Payimest Dye 2s }Bays in Biling Period 291) soumay haiato saya tah eo apie $8800 and yoaraPRe || pay online tor tae an fay bis wereanee tothe Penalty APR ot up i 28.80%. :| Fo! GE Capita Retail Banw-customer Rerviee or tezeper’| yourcard fost or stolen, ew! "-e5eRds. Zee,Besttinse to. cal aré Wsinwsday » Bid, iFransaction Summary["Fentiow | Pout Se [Retrtnea hanbor eooweah ream[IESUaNT” “tapazaty Fearzoadtoensesee CAARGE OFF AGODUN-PRINGALS $555.4 OH| wemoaoc ramuzor. Facrouscomessad CHARBE OFS ANGOUNT ENANCE se1e8 oR| SHARGES/ FEES| raza zzacors iT 8350:: TOTAL PRES FOR THIS PERIOD 835,00: INTEREST CHARGED| sarees eagouart INTEREST OHARGE OM PURCHASES sai: ‘TOTES INTEREST FOR THIS BERIOL $0.00!2604 Totats-Year-io-Bateint Poga Cnergoain 201 eaeHotes atierast-Omepedl 19 201) siaInterest Charge CalculationExpiration Date raw Bulanés Bublect io | teense Chaige‘Tuas al Bataned i internet Rate[Bureheces Re L 200 $3.00.Cardholder News & information :GE tomy had changed it name ts CE Caisiss. You may ane het beendis thvoupner ers towisiton aad,inorder ta proectyourzodtivit privacy sidaidhiniu/to brevicbigeeiil iafsimation to‘anyone other han tat eardnaidetts)sai pladiedad not tyois Wis'.tb parm ua th chs tan auinsrieed paely soeh as espouse dbo your acco: poate $endsertters suthonccinn to tne Goners iti siom meres. |“NOTICE: See mvetse side and sdiiticnal pages (it-ery/ for innurtankittotmaiied concerning your eccoun!neh BB Meets Bisa 1 oF a er) whbu ote ibiday onto ot sess ar ania ni acs ye eo eaten hobo WaceGareGredit (ime: See | eemeee 8 O00Rewaildissereanall? — Paymentdue inciude’ 80:00 past duc, Pisses pay thosast diay eracuat PROMPTLY,CSS,ASHEN. WRLEYBrenrseenne ot vise snl: Ge OAPI TALHevreOnDo. Cr obsess Po sore eem08!ORLANDO, FL S280¢-0069‘Qistomer Service’ Questions: For accound information, please cal the te free number on the front of tls statement. Uriess you‘natne is dsted on thle sitement, your access to information on the account may be lined. You may also tral quuastions (ut notrayments}to:PO. Bax 981127, 5 Paso, TX7#990- 1127. Please chide your accaun number an any comespendence you sendtous.Payments: Send payments fo the address sted on the remittance coupon portion of this statement or pay online atvagemoney.cOrin‘Overnight Payments: payments canner be arade in person, msi! paymonts to: GEMoney Bonk, 140 Wokdva Springs Road, Longaood,FuQTS‘Notioe: See betow for you Bling Fights and other important information. Telephohiniya bout bing encore wil ctander fedteraliaw Topraserve yourights please write tour Bing inquires Adress, PO. Bax 964458, Base, TX7S698- 1435,irchases mtu and apenas orto ing date may voter un next montis statement he reserve norgntro‘obtaity payment electronically for any check or over instrument that you send to us by miliating an ACH (electronic) debit a theSmourtef your chuck resumen to your account. Vor chock or Rsiramrit wilt be etme ¥0 you by sce your hele Mrbank account may be dbted a= early 25 the same day we recive your payment. You nay choose nt to have your paymentcollected electronically by sending your payment (with the remittance Coupon), in your oan emeelope — not tire enclosedTemittancosvelopo,aduressadta:PO Box 630860, lla, GA0369-0860 arninet te payment actressWat To Do If out Think You Find A Mistake On Your Statemont: 1 you thitk there isan error en yotir statement, weite (0 18 at: GE‘Manoy BaP. Boe 981426, Pas, DC79G08-1438 hy ya eter aes ta foung mfomiaten: «Arcus heaton: Your‘eine andaccount number « Dottar amount: The dolar aint of te suspacted arrar « Description ofproblemn:# youthink there isanroron your sari ha you be rong ad why you otive isa miaato Yeu mst coat ctw 60 saa the‘etror appeared on your statement. You must nodty us of any potential errors in writing. ou may al bt you down are nok‘equvod ta hyestgate any potential erars.abed you may havovo pay tne arma sian, ‘whether or not{hers hasbeen arserrog the fodowsiyare tre « 9 carina try to caecz Oe Om GuestON OF Rept your a dolor etmeu. The charge neice may rein on your statement and we may conte f change you teres on tiataean.sos ator thet vo mada a mila, yon a have fo pay ta in question or aity terest or other foes rebated to thatanoint. « While you do not have 10 pay the zrvcxit in quests, ou are responsible for the remainder of your balance, « We can‘apphyanyunpakvanount against your credft iit.Your Rights f You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Cart roctmses: yuo cisatsc yth tha goods servis that yu havepurchased with your creckt card, and you hax ried i goad faithtecortect the probe with the merchant, youmaly hurvs the rahi not‘opay thoremaiing amount due onthe puschisse, Totus this right, el af the Pewino est be tre) Te urease must haw beanmade yur haa rb 100 ibs yor eran malng aks, atthe parcas pic mat have been ror 50.(lote;Natar of tose are you purctso wats based on an adveriscnrent we mailed Co yu, arf we ox the ccmmpanytetera Pus have usec you xe earl forthe purchaae, chaos made wit cash sharesInformation About Payments: You may pay mare tan the Total Minimum Fayment at anytime, Payments reseed after 6:00 FM‘Ellon any day wile crouitedasofthe next day. Craditto youracoount may be dela yed uptofive daysttpayment(a)ishot eceweddatthe payment adress, 5) isnot made in U.S dolbrs drawiroia U.S fhvancia/insikerion located in tie U.S, eset accos pated by theremittance coupon attached to your slatemont, fi) contaias moro than one payment cx romitonce coupon, fa) snot reeled theremittance envelope pravited or ()nckides staples, paper clips tape, # foldeil check or courespandonce af any type. ConditionalA written commucicattorss concemng disputed amoums, inchuding any check er other payment inetrumetst that: f}indeata te parmanconans aymane fa or tandeed a lsatiacton oa dad ao tance ithoF finitations f Dispoted Payments’Gedte fo Your Account: An amount shown wii 9 Rae to to aenound tra creo cred batonce unde atherwtse tated,(Grackts willbo appliedio your previous halanve immediately spon receipt, birtwilinet satisty any reqered payment that may ba dic,Telephone ionitering: For qualty conto! purposes, you permit us fo listen to or record telephone calls hetween you and us.‘Geeait Reports and Account Information: tt youbelleve that we may fava reported inaccurate difonnstien about youtoa consumerreporting agency, pease contact sat PC Gx 981438, Fas, DET 9808. F4s8 in doings, peas aay the iscoaate porationancof uy pu batovekisancorrect. Jtyou haves copy ofthe creeper cides tho naceurato formation pase ce@ Copy af that report. Wve may report aifaensatfon about your accourd fo credit biweaus Late payments, missed payments, oF otherdofauitson your aqcount may be effected in your credit report.\Vartable Rate information: tany of your APRS ave varlabie, that APRwil ay with the market based! on the Prime Rate,How Lon Wilithe Penaity Rate Apply? Wyour APRsare inereasedbecauise youlada alate paymen, the Penalty APR willapply wn‘you make sx consecuve niimmum paymentswhendus,How We Caleusate interest: We usea method calted ‘tally balance”: During hilfhg cyctesin witch interest is charged, foreach befarniaeype on your account wo igre the interest charge an yaur sccouei by epplyiag the partonic rate to the ‘tally balance” of yourand ol plans oF special‘aly bofonce To deter the day balance ve take Ore bagutg balance iach ty, cedar’new charges and fees posted that da) ney. are! Bubtract any payments and crits past that day. This ves us the dy balance.‘Sucord, we calsulate tte amount of interest changed. To do this, we artsy the appticable daily rate by eact daily balance on youaccount, Third we adh the Interest amount tothe dally balance, and the stun willbeccene the beginning balance for te forowing day.‘Your terest charge forthe billing cycto iste sum cf tho iiterestamouris that ware charged each day dining ths baling eyels foreachbalancetype. Wve charge a minimum of$2 of ierest inany Bifing cycis inwhich you awe terest,Paying tnterest: Your dus date Isat feast 23 daysafter tha close of each billing cycle. We wlinot chatge you arty interest ampurchases‘Aycurpay your entire balance by the cvs dateeach month. We wid bagi charging aterast on cast advarices and teetance trantersapplicabte,onthetransaction date.Bankzuptey Natioe: you Me bankruptey you mist send us notice, aschiding account number ard all information sefaisi fo theproceeding tots Following address: GE Money Bank, Attn: Bonlcuptey Dept, RO. Box 103 105, Foswel, GAS0076,Your accauint is owned acid serviced by GE Money Bank, For complofe terrhs atid condions of your account, curr your CreditCard Agreement.Hearing impaired! TD users call 1-877-A4B-B542oreean 6. os an'70Use of ow Abou Youapd You br vagy Foc certs or cotton an estate of hfomatin bait votdred yous Account Ifyou would tke anctier copy oF , please call us at the customer service telesione eumbeySrc atecen tre ator scat omete. oThisis en attempt to collect @ debt anti any formation obtained willbe ussd for that purpose,fot 2 iphone cum my assert, oneness fy asoSilectig resbobtmraccoune ny actions cl paral andi consanttstheuse otine gteate pee ‘hl syeteon alo a ifolalorroreconted voles wher comactrigios even ath charged fo toedlander ny poneFor chenges of address, phone number anor ena, please check the bax and print the changes below or vist us on-line‘StreetReaivossSips,PhongBeallore aaewtawe Cag ceeck aiSSYPROMOING YOUREALL ADDRESS YOU AGREE TO RECAVE EWA. CONTYLINICATION AEOUT YOUR ACOOUNT AND ALSOGVEFERRISSON FORUS TO PROVIDE YOURENINL ADDRESS TO THE DEAE MERCHANT PROMDER REDULERAOCEPTING YOUR CARD,caRncmeneT ICC Cards Nome: SEND LY* NANCY LE OBENSSrereey heefoe tae@ GE Copital Reto Benk Sema Chang aAnaeE SALT GG Soe e TS TT Le eS Sy Te] FEOEUEET ESET ETE SETITTEE TE Tee Re ee.Preece Balance ShIESAD || Hevritance S207PRPs ‘n00 || Mitram Pays Tis Period smn2 Panes ‘so || amount Pat Bs suis |“of Kress, Fea & Adjasments (et) 38.60 |! Tuc Hinisnea Payment Due sake |(ecw Cars ny aut || eyman ne ete eis |New Berane SETRTE SAYMEKD DUERY S$ P.M. RASTREN ON THE DUEDATI iCred List stem SResey conven your payment an eaetem bli, See t‘slate sae || ain ming Perod u| ate tegma Warning IFawdreot mente yor Tost |yon on at goer | Mitcnm rgmead bt the aye Dus haeatose, |[Fort Cpilt etal ark castomerservecerio np | soup novo to pay aint fooap ta. hand peer Ave :yooreotho tse. et GOSISTHGH || as bennnad oe Peraty Rot tIvim Payton Making ont he Tt MianNt ex a ae Wesley iy apm nel tease mon fet Yous enhaste iusto reer yr tee, Mo enaeee eS ee ay .re Ph OF e+. SSERSETESTINatRgaar Tyee neeT tttSeacttyTEGiieietsteseraaes es :Dante mua DyespeaseSEBORBD‘Wyeant e inioamaien bout cede cexmetion services,ell LAY RSBRAPYEdeehadaeaaeeteseeas TRTESTETE $ % TEETETERETETTTTron fate | Pos tte [Reteemos ter eerigton ametistenenos! meen . LATER 33.0)‘Torat. Reeseoe TreseeRIONE S380‘ USTEREST CHABERDween Henne INTEREST CHARRE ON PURCHASES saatt{TOTAL INrenar ROR NSPE Baitpeanssrees: SpbkgteteesiscesRETESET aedTal Fas Caer a Sa[ote dersst hare 28 310)ehh: te te th ont ee eae 4Bxpsration Kite Annel | Hidunce Biot te | Iavest ageType oF te fewcenrase | ar Rataco arPecha oe Ewe Sai* NOCICE: Se revere sie andadiitonss pages OF uny) for import infermation sosceneg yor accome399 we boys atser eewsae ton 3 mrs (iio eae ouEseNRBay eine prascaiacom or enetoce thas comp th pe eek, Rie tse Ba a Bach ikCareCredit—— . J oeHevoiensors-stt_Paytnct acaty © 54.09 pa Pens pay fhe itd vert PROMPTS.Bh Geeeeccin ee ee Benes‘prot cmgeson hastSUA DEARDDADAT I 8 AEF ARDEP ADT FEY PVEOE APLORN DET AFDETEADPEESERANTDSASMERAL WHEY mH 8pears st Mabetgniotis: CSET AL. RATA. RaNR(MEX LONDON CF GS320.5133 POCA tncaRsORLA MINC, FL SROsSSTOEDEAST ADSEERTRDO.AT BDDFOERUBOODE ATP! BEEP DY DEDLIAROET AAAAATOTECatan: Sericeteslons: seat elamaion plate a fe bl fee pune oy fe Fela ie sional ian ac na a |Esled ca histor Snlremence hese ay eles Yosmey ao nel cuestoys cura pases}. FO Bosrtd. FLAd806 8098 Phase rac yout assay cos aerce yO 3Peymas Soraya th alte feat on Weis eg pctin of fates py ene st wawgogecantalane |resi Pomens Paes, ran ECR a,“ elia SeigsRont sre,fvaien uF payne Searing 9) i‘oe: Soa ow bx you Bing Fgh and ota instal nsmationTeleponing sul bing err wll prove you signs under{ettien oped yar oe pase ute on Og murat sagese 70 Ear ctes beans Lasss, a a ae ra a apa TN TA soe To enn Baiesnr snarl ie buna Sa uy ink ston ok we ma aucGristurnt oyu ecount Yau chuck of eka. lbw else 6 youby ke ry ek hah Soy eeei ea yw ea seer Yo ny eo 7 eo acolo it edy by eating arrte mane cen hor gam ore atthe eso ethane envlope aes FO Bex eR,SS. 0900 and ot he poymant adresaT Dod oy Thi You Fad Mth Yer Ssem*n ya Bn oo an a nyo satan le 9 OE CaReta Bre 20: ovis Onn Fase nye ee chev Fe oure: somata saceaad lotma You cae aeganetroi Dake ano “ne dolor ato apr tp: “beargten peace Hrornietees necae wnt tl tly cafey pollo ang Yume cl ayy oly se inh natSeerent fou tra ossiuutleg, You ey ols eau de rent fst fo sage ay ph‘rors ns my hep tt ey seen raseee ie whe sea ete ase ievey ren on aur“ere iat a rd Praga: Yo 0 ds who godess! eeCRS ur sect cn ard toe tee re moc vate mera, vou may ove ei ol opi Kecaeone narioa toes ae NG eSB a Pu ant a a 2 2saa Nou mest ive used You ‘elect caed for the purchase, Purchases mace with cash advances fom an ATW or wih a check thal aovessasSEG nh fa*g eatin egy mate gharg euaeguae hearsEu niente oraue 120 healk tabi Gssivce ey chat!Sled ed case bm, Aare ur etapa Us ish cr denoos A Bax wt tne Yr one mSBroun and you obey ay er yous asobloat Aa en You ete oy nwt pt pl gnc wit ey aon! ce forPopoent ajo naa 0 (4 Sly hy att ceded clteneasy Ce yar ura nese,aina bf nt sceany fy wm ana con atest you lene (ae mate hue otepoytarta ongoun Seti ee ame nepal (hn ae ee Tope. a eee check of eorespaneee offet hears Sale payment cara et “bewren gu crs edered ae hl seblaton of caplet aren) y Teenstbe conditions okra (Dasulod Payor), must be mae ex delete! fos at P.O Box SHBU0S, Ovendo, PL SPacbOo55Credits to Your Account: An arvers row it parents is acre c teat lence ness therwige Indeed. Cec wl be spol toyu prewovs Delaney mmestatoly you voces bul wh ft say any vegured yn fal may be cuerope ncn norman rei os i raiment on ermenregStet pase cert ax 0. cox 96008 rary HONE SUS cong co ean dey fe race gaatcnand okSESS as? Fa ye tte ab lat Rs i coloeraser tester aod your sce ocean, Licpments mieed payee oe dla oo asa ay BSreared Toute enorVarfobe Rete Information: Wary of your APs ore veal, thaAPR wl vary wih tb market besed on the Pune Rateang Pay te gp iy 7a nina eno be ety APR byetana nt Pay Rw on eum lope Pent APR ud ajSow Cla na Nous cay ara D rao wah erealactmged och espe‘Metlingcyes tseperee aly a piueeeceen bans We span erraen Sane paSapo bextra isle aed die oe a oa Fra waderBee ategees oh del sag corde ea ean bee,feng non la bloung you ket Sages be bieg Spgs regi alte ment aroure e Natncte caged‘ach day ming the ig cycle ft enc balance hpe We charge msn G2 ofnierest any bt Gyeten whch You Pee sel,ey Nate iy alate you a snus i, ig acre ber 2 a ryan re theoreti ©Tee aes 8 Cepia iA Sarpy Seb PO Box 05108 Roowal e‘Your accounts owned! end serviced by GE Capital Reta! Bank,‘erg leipired: PLD uses oll 877-448-8512 ergmng. to peanise oF information Riout You and Your Account. Car Privacy Pele dascritas cr ccfecton and dscacuse clini su! you edyout Regn yor ous ie acter soy ote Pacy Fy, tse co ino fu oosbnee sehitelerhone meer ncesieton theTostol fav slaterrent‘Thess an ate! io acl dt ard any infoaton obtain wil used er thl purgesBy proving a teepione number on my doroun, you consent to GE Genitl Petal Bank and any athe onmer ck sesieer cf your count‘entacrg you bout your accoon, ng ing ny corte! ermal excel phare ramet | pene, ancy ons he use carylor eho dng sytem adr ear orev ve we vac Ye. en amc re er Fepn.For cangos of ackivss or phone numer, pleuse grec he box and pint he changes bal,iaCesaroF ‘Sue WptaeHose Fiona # Business Phone Del cr offer priona #wa can use lOcenlaclyoa mal AddressRemember, you can undata the chove rfomasion ns wean your emai adibens oniem at ww nogeegpl comCardholder NarnASMENAL WILEYSecondary Nae‘Account Nombe morNANCY LLORENS ‘Statement Closing Dace: [03/2011fee * Peereeeee + + z Tt TeeE Money has changed its marae tv GECupical, Yeumay see bork tind theoughowt che transition period.Snorer fo pact your account privacy. oe are unable co provide azeouer nftrmatign co anyone ether than the cardholders} or‘an authorized party. If yon wish to pezmit usto speak fo an authorized party such as 4 spouse abou YoU eocoUN, please seid‘wrston atdhorization va the Gencrat Inquiries address,YOUR ACCCHSNT 18 SERIOUSLY PAST DUE. 1718CRUFICAL THAT YOU CONTACT USTODAY AT18OU398-5166pets oa72 anne cea exbesanecton oueassorCARECREDITICECRE, ASUENAL WILEYGE Meaney 07;fatinbtanegnenbererssiveseceresey PERT aseaerseectanress anwar scenesPeetvietis Badance SLgSe7 |) New Bane SLT+ New Pachaes Sith || Minimore gma Pis Paso i290= fa*gen saa | | simon Paine sass.)+e Crodisy, Fees & tefustmments inet) ‘$35.00 | | Fotal Ninian Payment Tae 8354.00‘ie ees Cage tt so.95 || ymencixe re soreaain‘New iahance SMAI |) pavatmny OCLEY 5 PM. BASTEEN GW THE DURDATE.Credit Lease siso00n Nespas epee yor payment ito a: cestonic de. Seeatiot so.00“gsi ting axis 3Leto Peyment Herning: txedunat move yer toay oats fo Fee a ggeeplstsonn nia Supnocel Duo fy tie Payrent Bue Hate Rete dere,‘er Cop Rows Henk catomer vice ora pet youmsy hasetn py sine reowgto $2 hand soar APRmay boincreamde the Pesuy APS st apie ML OIOS,Minioram Peyreare Warnings Making only the Pk inform,Payment Yas ne reeaue tes ecg mf dates youpay anshertimeit fabs fh eenay yon balance, eens:T 2Meise: EeebtarrtoetiictamwersteaiesseetsiesySrimeretitisstestssesiereestieese‘One the. soem ‘Syeace SenapemaetAT yowwundd tke Infomciion stena dh couse services,eb BN7E-302A707,yoru Ios of stoke, call 86S HOR-IRKA,ay tet to caste Warner - Bray,PEASRERAAT SELES ERIS Tre ra aera eee sree aes ee isseteateseseeecaberene[trate | Pou one [[esteteace waneer Desextption erenttenet — sesne sionsonet| cane sso Isr nacre{ota ne ee uegeri tie TeTeisaeTeti BESTEST NatitGd Fou Chaied Re 3244.i sl ores Cheng 2087 8156.5eee SLES ST SA EL ELE LEER TT SET ET OTE TE LEE E EEE E LEE TETE RETR EOE1 Epiaiion Late An Prlonowtdene to | tnrest ChangeType st Radaece Penomlage Suboreat Kale |act aPe ifede KR Dae asa4 SOT HER: Se neveac sds and addaienat papes (any) for tmputsnt ifoemution conceminpyor tcoU.bree Bes ee evans beh 2 of 3 ‘mores gee cone oasievanePeg stat a prperayitaicoan ar eectose This coupe with your chock, Please i bai or icryCareCredit 3 SPS HEETEP EEE SEaSaSSESTtomes 8 EERE auuymnat das includes S 260.00 pot du, Please pay the past dav eeunant PROT.SERRE ARS UREASDASFPRTSF DADE SORA LAPTE BOT ORSONanew witsNANA Nester: CAITR RE At aNPovo sensreNEW LORIENT CT 20520. 5135 ORLANDO. FL 32850-0057Fa ATEFATHDRA ADRS BPEADAATPDADT AT EDAPTTEOADTT ADSTDT TION MITEEDAT AAAee ee ee(customer Service! Questines: Fer account mfomatinn, please eallthe toll-Hee number'on the Eout ofthis saxement. Unless yourrrame & listed on thi stateeacat. your access fo wnformation on the account may be Handed, Yu may ubo madquesions hue netisayraents te:PO.Box982 127, £18350, IX79998-1127 Please iihide your s¢count umberon anycorespondence you send £0 65Payments: Send paymenss w@ the address Hed on the romance cempon portion of this statement or pay antic atse oeMenUSID.\Qvernighe Paymenss:paymients ca nnot he made ix person, mai payments wo: GE Money Baal, 140 Wekive Springs Road, Long#ood,122779Nosice: See beksw for your Billing Rig hus end ovheremporsantinformation. Telephon ing about Bing ocers willct preserve your tightslunder federattaw. Topreserve yeurtigh 8, please write toour Bille gInquities Aicress, P.O Box 98! 438, Paso, TX79998. 1438,Purchases,mturas and pay mens made pt prioro biking datemay otappea une? nex mote statement. We reserve te right toobtain payment electronwaly for ony check or other stnument that you send 20 as by niatng an ACH Bkcironé) demi rheamount of your checker instrement t your account, Your cheekor asiramen wE Rot be retued to yas bY usar Your bank, Watebank accotiat may be debited as easly as the same day we recebe your payment. WOU aay choose nar to have your paymentcollected el-citonicaly by sending your payment (wth che romittaties coupan). i your awn envelope — na the enclosedremittsnes envelope,addressed to: PO Hox 530960, Alanta,G4203530950 and not the payment aldeess‘What To Di IFVin Think You Find A Mistake On Yong Statemients yeh think there & am eur on yourstatement, wrke ta we at; GENousy Bauk, PO Box 981438, B Page, 1X 79998, £438. Jn your letter give us the folowang infomatinn: « Aveount inform tion: Yurame andaccouut umber « Dols amousivhe Joly amogut ofthe suspected eror « Deseviption of;roblem: Iya thinkthere amenpron yatiebil,Gesenbe what you heliceeis wrong 2nd Why you beloved s 4 mistake, You mu rt contac twa wabin OC days afer theenor appeared on your statement, You must notify ns ofaRy polenthlenom w wring. Yor muy caus, but iFy¥on 26 We ave Hatsequitet a hivescgate ény potenriatermies and ya may Weve fo pay fee amount in question. While we investigate wether OF notthere hasheer ax erro tke folowing are me «Ye cannot try to cobact the amoual in question at report you as debkuent on tremous .« The charge question may remain on your statement and ve may Continue Wicharge yo mest on tnat amt. Bat, dwwe determine thar we made am&teke, you Wil not haxe to pay the amount it estén or any aterest av ether fees tlated to dratamount. « While yar da nce have fo pay the emaunt inqiestion, you hte meponshle forthe remainceraf your balanen. « We can‘Apply sntyunpaida mosataga ms¢yourciwat line.‘Your Rights I You Are Dissatisfied With Sous Ccetit Card Purchaser: f you am dissatisfied with the ponds or services that you haveporchated wih yourereda anand youlsuve tiedin goed f4ghn cere ctihe problem wah the merchant ,gou may have eheright nottopey therema ining umount de en tke pusviase. TO use this ighc.a Eofthe folinw ng must bo treet) The purchase musthave beenmade in vou home stats or wthis 100 mies of your cutrent mating addeass,ansd the purchase prkit musthave been more than $0(Note Netherof diese are necessary U'your pureluise was based ou an adverdement we ma ed i9 you, or # we ash the companyoat soll you the goods or nerviees.)3) ou must have used your credit exed forthe prehase. Purchasoa made withersh avancesfiom an AiMorwih s checkrhatancesses yourcrediteatd aceountde notgua Hy.2)You mus ti yet have uly paid forthepusenase.Malo he cron above are mseta nd yew are sls usted oi the purehavs contact nc wetmg. at 20, oxo 138,"7a008. 1638. Wonk weinvestigata,the saave Puls appl Io the disputed amount us discussed shove. After we fish ovrinvestigu Wo,‘Ne pif tellyovour decision Arthat pent, #we thnk yeu owe aH amouat and you de satpay we mayrepart pou gs debiquentJngormation About Payments: You may pay more than the Total Minimtem Payment af auy time. Paymentsteccised alter 50 PMDon any day walbecredivedas cithe nexcda y.Credi w your eccount may bedels yed upto fhe daysifp ayment a Jismor recessed atthe pasymentaddress, 0) not ma dh US. dollars grawn ov # USsina ncabsstiteen bcated i the US,.el% oe aeeonspaned by theemitauce coupon atiached fo your statement, fé}eontains mave than one paymenc of remittance coupon, fee nol teceived # theremittance envedope provided or @) actides siaples, paper clip tape a fobled check or camespandence af any type. GandaionatA weten communications conecrning disputed amounts, cluding any cheek or ather payment mshument that: ()fa*gales act pay pentconatutes payment in fel orjtendnsasfubsatstheton ata disput aides or Gb entered wa‘other condiions erliniations (Disputed Peymens” musty tse or deemed toe at POBox UR) 88 ESPusa, TXPOIIR 1438,Geedits 1@ Your Account: An amouné shown wih « CRaexi1o the amount ia ered or emit balance uniess othorwise indicated.Godt witbe applied toyourprevious bulazce inatedite'y upc receipt, but eller até any reqnited pay monetaa ay be dus.‘Telephone Mbnitoring-For qoa Zy concmlpueposes, you permit us to listen to or recordeek phone culls bene you ated ws.Credit Reports and Account Informa ton:Ifyam believe that wemay hove reporied maceutateinforsputinn abot you to 4 consumerrepatting aency pizase contactusacPO Bx 98 1439, Pago, TX?OGSR. daing sa, please entdy the aacourate informstinsfind tolluswWhy you dete weirs i comect.yowhawe 4 cop yorthe crditmportthat metres the maccurate air mation 8 tse mcbide4 copy af that pox, We mey reper: miorwiation about your aceon! te credk burense, Late paysents, meted pay ienis,or ether\efsuks on your account may be reflecied @ your ereditmeponVariable Rute Information: Wauy of your APRsare variable, chat APR wil ary with the market based on the Peme Rate.How Long Wille easlty Rte Appy? you APRsare erensedbeecuseyoumado tee ymont.the Feraity APRWAREEH oneyou make sixcouseeutive masmum paymezcewhendue.How We Gilestate hterest:We usea meshodcated 'iafy bok nee” During hiling eycles in whichintoroatischarged, forecchhalancetype on yen: aesomnt we figure the interest charge on our account PY epphing the Periodic mato to the “Baily Aalance” of youraccount forsach day in the bing cyck. Aseparate dai balance wilbe exw tec for che fofowing balance rypes, as «ppicab kepurchases, balance Umsters, cash advances und other balunees shat are suber ti dierent interest rates, plans ar specialpromotions. Fast, we determine the “daly bance""Ts deterinipe che daly balance, We1akethe begining bab ner cach davy,addanynew charges aud fees posted the t day. ané subtract eny payments aiid eredis posted that day. This gies Us the dedy habbneeSecond, we calculate ihe amount effaterestclirged. Tb do dhk. we muiply the applica he dey tate by each day balance an youraccount Thadwe aid the cers oniountto Bededy balanced deni wllhecomethe Hogg hatin: ferane Ewin dayYoueantetestchaege forthe bilag cycte the sumot tte averestamounts Uist vere chai ged cach day daring die tiling cyekeoreachhalancetype, Wecha me a minkt um O'S? ofinteresti an ylang yclets which you owe DIEFeSt.Paying lotesest: Youeduc date is ateast3 dey safter the ebse ofeach tilling evel We willnccchagge you any infereston purchases# you pa yyour entxe balance by the ducdaieeach mouth, We wi begt: charging mterestoncash advances and balance wanaters ifspplleabhe,on the transaction date.Bonleuptey Notice: you file bankruptcy you must kend us notice, ipebding accoses uimber and all informacion slated to theproces ing tothe flo‘ ing addzess: GEManey Bank, Aiin:Ranéruptey Dept ,.PO.B9% 303105, Raswel, GASCO7E,Yous account is oned and serviced by GEMouey Bank, Forcompkte terme ant conditions of your account, consult your GedCub AgreerentHearing impaived: TDDusers exll| 877-448-8512OmER-8- 60‘sof information Abou anc Yur Ascot: Che Privacy Boy deserbes our co*keotion andascinsute ofifarmation about youog vou account yo wonis Lie snotncrcapy ot Ge Hasey Paley. peage coh ww a ta evtomer elvee tplhne hut crindicted on ne Bort sth sarement‘isis an asemprocolect a debt and any inforation obusined wie osed for tat pumoseraviting a telophove mma an my aceotnt, feansent 19 CEENoaey Hanke and any omer onwier or sewieer of my eccoualChotacung te sonny aceoune ckiGhguany eh sontacthvormetinorcoigtoné nuserstprowic-ausivonsen tothe incorsry aatormate (eephone dag rysterantior snactdeuhorrzecowed whe men contacting tie ewes lam charges fh admuor 5y phone plesFor changes of address, phone mumber snd/er email, plonso check the hax snd print ho changes hekwe or vis ns on-line atyora gemoncy ecm.eeeeTaelaer ase gy aSBYPROVDING SOUR VAIL ADDRPSS, YOu AGR

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Jul 18, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |KNL-CV24-6068903-S



Jul 19, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |KNL-CV24-6068916-S



Jul 16, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |KNL-CV24-6068863-S



Jul 19, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |KNL-CV24-6068919-S



Jul 19, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |KNL-CV24-6068913-S



Jul 17, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |KNL-CV24-6068886-S



Jul 15, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |KNL-CV24-6068853-S



Jul 17, 2024 |24STCP00598

Case Number: 24STCP00598 Hearing Date: July 17, 2024 Dept: 25 Hearing Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 Case Name: Juan Recalde v. Adolfo Landeros Case No.: 24STCP00598 Motion: Motion to Set Aside and Vacate Judgment Moving Party: Defendant Adolfo Landeros Responding Party: Unopposed Notice: IMPROPER as the Labor Commissioners Office was not served with the instant motion Tentative Ruling: The Hearing on Defendants Motion to Set Aside and Vacate Judgment Entered on 02/26/2024 is CONTINUED to AUGUST 21, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in Department 25 of the Spring Street Courthouse. Defendant is ordered to electronically file proper proof of service of the Motion upon the Labor Commissioner, as well as proof of service of the continued hearing date at least 10 court days prior to the continued hearing date. BACKGROUND On July 25, 2022, the Labor Commissioners Office heard claim number WC-CM-816672 (the Claim) regarding the alleged employment of Plaintiff Juan Recalde (Plaintiff). (Landeros Decl., ¶ 2.) Plaintiff sought to recover 57.75 hours of unpaid wages from August 5, 2020 to September 2, 2020, at the rate of $50.00 per hour from 3-D Engineering & Manufacturing Inc. (3-D Engineering) and Adolfo Landeros (Defendant). (Landeros Decl., ¶ 2.) After the hearing, the Labor Commissioner ordered 3-D Engineering and Defendant to pay Plaintiff the total amount of $15,231.14. (Landeros Decl., ¶ 3; Ex. A.) According to the Order, Defendant was ordered to pay Plaintiff the sum of $11,255.85 of the total amount awarded. (Landeros Decl., ¶ 4; Ex. A.) In March of 2023, Defendant caused his attorney to communicate with Plaintiff regarding settlement of the Claim and a settlement was reached. (Landeros Decl., ¶¶ 5-6; Exs. B and C.) Plaintiff agreed to release the Claim with prejudice in consideration of payment of $15,231.14 from Defendant and 3-D Engineering. (Landeros Decl., ¶ 6; Ex. C.) A cashiers check was sent to Plaintiff by Defendants former counsel on March 16, 2023, for direct payment to Plaintiff in the amount of the Labor Commissioners award. (Landeros Decl., ¶ 7; Ex. D.) Plaintiff received and cashed the check and Defendant understood that the Claim was fully resolved and dismissed between the parties pursuant to the settlement. (Landeros Decl., ¶ 8.) Defendant states that his former counsel made a mistake in not delivering the actual cashiers check directly to the Office of the Labor Commissioner and instead delivered the payment directly to Plaintiff pursuant to the terms of the release. (Landeros Decl., ¶ 9.) Defendant contends that the Labor Commissioner requesting that judgment for the full amount of the award plus post-hearing interest and filing fees was based on mistake as this matter should have long been dismissed. (Landeros Decl., ¶ 10.) Defendant states that the subject judgment was obtained through mistake, excusable neglect, and inadvertence of his prior counsel as the payment was not mailed directly to the Labor Commissioners Office. (Landeros Decl., ¶ 11.) On February 26, 2024, the Labor Commissioner of the State of California (the Labor Commissioner) filed a Request That the Clerk Enter Judgment and Judgment on Final Order, Decision or Award of the Labor Commissioner. The Labor Commissioner sought a total judgment of $11,776.40 against Defendant. On February 26, 2024, the Court entered judgment for Plaintiff and against Defendant in the amount of $11,776.40. On May 22, 2024, Defendant filed the instant Motion to Set Aside and Vacate Judgment. Defendant seeks an order setting aside and vacating the judgment entered against him on February 26, 2024. Plaintiff did not oppose the instant motion; however, the Labor Commissioner was not served with the motion. Given that the Labor Commissioner requested entry of judgment and judgment was entered pursuant to such request, the Labor Commissioner should have been given notice of the instant motion. MOVING PARTY POSITION Defendant argues that he entered into a settlement agreement and release with Plaintiff but sent payment of the award, by mistake, directly to Plaintiff instead of to the Labor Commissioner. OPPOSITION No opposition has been filed as of July 12, 2024. REPLY No reply has been filed as of July 12, 2024. ANALYSIS I. Setting Aside the Judgment A. Legal Standard The court may, upon any terms as may be just, relieve a party or his or her legal representative from a judgment, dismissal, order, or other proceeding taken against him or her through his or her mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect. (Code Civ. Proc., § 473, subd. (b).) Relief under CCP § 473(b) is mandatory when based on an attorney affidavit of fault; otherwise, it is discretionary. Ibid. B. Discussion The Court references its recitation of the Declaration of Defendant from above and incorporates it herein. Defendants counsel declares that he sent a demand for satisfaction of judgment to Plaintiff on behalf of 3-D Engineering in LASC Case No. 24STCP00522 and Plaintiff informed counsel that he would submit an acknowledgement of satisfaction of judgment in such case. (Yurcich Decl., ¶¶ 2-3; Ex. B.) Initially, the Court fails to see the relevance of Defendants counsel demanding satisfaction of judgment in a separate action to which Defendant is not a party. The Court finds that Defendant has shown a basis to set aside the judgment on grounds of mistake and inadvertence. However, as stated above, although the motion is unopposed, the Labor Commissioner should have been given notice of the motion. While the Labor Commissioner is not a party to this action, given that it did request judgment against Defendant and judgment was entered pursuant to such request, the Labor Commissioner should have been afforded the opportunity to oppose the instant motion. II. Conclusion Based on the foregoing, the Court CONTINUES the hearing on Defendants AMENDED Motion to Set Aside and Vacate Judgment Entered on 02/26/2024 to Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 10:00 AM in this department, so that the Labor Commissioner can be served with the motion. Defendant is ordered to electronically file proper proof of service of the Motion upon the Labor Commissioner, as well as proof of service of the continued hearing date at least 10 court days prior to the continued hearing date. The Moving party is ordered to give notice of this Courts Ruling and to attach a copy of the Court's Tentative Ruling, as exhibit A to said notice.


Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc., vs. Castro

Jul 16, 2024 |23CVG-00362

CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC., VS. CASTROCase Number: 23CVG-00362Tentative Ruling on Motion for Terminating Sanctions: Plaintiff Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc. movesfor terminating sanctions by striking Defendant Vincent Castro’s answer. Plaintiff also requests sanctions in theamount of $1,572.75 for each motion.Procedural Defect: As a procedural matter, this motion was served both via mail and email on May 9, 2024, andset for a hearing date of June 7, 2024. CCP § 1005(b) requires all moving papers be served 16 court days beforethe hearing. This notice period is extended by five calendar days if the motion is served by mail. Id. For serviceby email, the notice period is extended by two court days. CCP § 1010.6(a)(3). This timeframe is calculated bycounting backwards from the hearing date but excluding the hearing date. CCP § 12c.Starting with the June 7, 2024, hearing date and counting backwards 16 court days (excluding the Court holidayof May 27, 2024) then five calendar days for out of state mailing this matter should have been served by mail nolater than, May 4, 2024. For email the last day to serve the motion was April 24, 2024. The motion was servedon May 7, 2024, and was untimely under either calculation. Based on insufficient statutory notice, the motion isdenied.Merits of Motion: Even if the motion had been timely noticed, terminating sanctions are not warranted.Terminating sanctions are a “drastic penalty and should be used sparingly.” Lopez v. Watchtower Bible & TractSociety of New York, Inc. (2016) 246 Cal.App.4th 566, 604. A terminating sanction should not generally beimposed by the court until less severe sanctions have been attempted and were unsuccessful. Id. No justificationhas been provided as to why terminating sanctions are appropriate in this context instead of lesser evidentiary orissue sanctions. Without additional evidence, terminating sanctions would be premature.The motion is DENIED. A proposed order was lodged with the Court which will be modified to reflect thedenial.Review Hearing: This matter is also on calendar for review regarding trial re-setting. The Court designates thismatter as a Plan II case and intends on setting it for trial no later than October 15, 2024. An appearance isnecessary on today’s calendar to discuss available trial dates.



Jul 19, 2024 |Frank Anthony Moschetti |CVCO2402002



Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc., vs. Castro

Jul 19, 2024 |23CVG-00362

CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC., VS. CASTROCase Number: 23CVG-00362Tentative Ruling on Motion for Terminating Sanctions: Plaintiff Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc. movesfor terminating sanctions by striking Defendant Vincent Castro’s answer. Plaintiff also requests sanctions in theamount of $1,572.75 for each motion.Procedural Defect: As a procedural matter, this motion was served both via mail and email on May 9, 2024, andset for a hearing date of June 7, 2024. CCP § 1005(b) requires all moving papers be served 16 court days beforethe hearing. This notice period is extended by five calendar days if the motion is served by mail. Id. For serviceby email, the notice period is extended by two court days. CCP § 1010.6(a)(3). This timeframe is calculated bycounting backwards from the hearing date but excluding the hearing date. CCP § 12c.Starting with the June 7, 2024, hearing date and counting backwards 16 court days (excluding the Court holidayof May 27, 2024) then five calendar days for out of state mailing this matter should have been served by mail nolater than, May 4, 2024. For email the last day to serve the motion was April 24, 2024. The motion was servedon May 7, 2024, and was untimely under either calculation. Based on insufficient statutory notice, the motion isdenied.Merits of Motion: Even if the motion had been timely noticed, terminating sanctions are not warranted.Terminating sanctions are a “drastic penalty and should be used sparingly.” Lopez v. Watchtower Bible & TractSociety of New York, Inc. (2016) 246 Cal.App.4th 566, 604. A terminating sanction should not generally beimposed by the court until less severe sanctions have been attempted and were unsuccessful. Id. No justificationhas been provided as to why terminating sanctions are appropriate in this context instead of lesser evidentiary orissue sanctions. Without additional evidence, terminating sanctions would be premature.The motion is DENIED. A proposed order was lodged with the Court which will be modified to reflect thedenial.Review Hearing: This matter is also on calendar for review regarding trial re-setting. The Court designates thismatter as a Plan II case and intends on setting it for trial no later than October 15, 2024. An appearance isnecessary on today’s calendar to discuss available trial dates.


American Express National Bank vs. Kim Cobbs

Jul 15, 2024 |C23-02463

C23-02463CASE NAME: AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK VS. KIM COBBSCOURT TRIAL HEARINGFILED BY:*TENTATIVE RULING:*Parties to appear and be ready for court trial. A failure to appear may result in theimposition of sanctions.



Jul 17, 2024 |CVRI2203789




Jul 22, 2024 |24VECV01449

Case Number: 24VECV01449 Hearing Date: July 22, 2024 Dept: T [TENTATIVE] ORDER: Plaintiff Ally Banks Application for Writ of Possession is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Introduction Plaintiff Ally Bank (Plaintiff) moved for a writ of possession against Defendant Antonio White (Defendant). An opposition was due on July 9, 2024 and none was filed. Discussion Plaintiff failed to file proofs of service on the Summons and Complaint, as well as the Notice of Application for Writ of Possession. Without proofs of service, the Court lacks jurisdiction over Defendant. Without proofs of service, Defendant was not provided proper notice and opportunity to be heard on the application. Any orders issued without proper notice and opportunity to be heard are void. Plaintiffs application for writ of possession is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. ALTERNATIVELY, IF PLAINTIFF FILES THE PROOFS OF SERVICE FOR THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT AS WELL AS THE APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF POSSESSION PRIOR TO THIS HEARING DATE, THEN&. [TENTATIVE] ORDER: Plaintiff Ally Banks Application for Writ of Possession is GRANTED. The Court waives an undertaking from Plaintiff Ally Bank. Plaintiffs proof of service showed that Defendant was properly served with the summons and complaint and properly notified of the hearing on the application. (Code Civ. Proc. sec. 512.010.) Plaintiff provided a declaration to show the probable validity of their claim and right to repossess the vehicle from Defendant because Plaintiff provided evidence showing: Defendants entry into the Written Lease Agreement (Lease) for the vehicle; Plaintiff assignors performance of delivery of the vehicle; Defendants breach in failing to pay; and Plaintiffs damages. (Code Civ. Proc sec. 512.040.) (James Singleton Decl. pars. 5-9.) Plaintiff further provided that the vehicle is in the custody and control of Defendant and located at Defendants residence. (Singleton Decl. par. 10.) (Code Civ. Proc. sec. 512.060.) With Defendants breach, Defendant no longer has rights to possess and further refused to surrender the vehicle. Plaintiff has shown their rights to possession. Plaintiff submitted the amount owed on the account and the value of the vehicle. (Singleton Decl. pars. 6-7.) The evidence showed that the account balance exceeds the value of the vehicle and no equity exists for the Defendant. The Court finds that the requirement to post an undertaking is waived. (Code Civ. Proc. sec. 515.010.) Plaintiffs application for writ of possession is GRANTED.



Jul 19, 2024 |Frank Anthony Moschetti |CVCO2300171

MOTION TO SET ASIDE DEFAULT ANDCVCO2300171 TD BANK VS RODRIGUEZDEFAULT JUDGMENTTentative Ruling: No tentative ruling will be issued.



May 03, 2024 |ANGELICA PAPASTAVROS |C40 - Contracts - Collections |KNL-CV24-6067333-S



Jul 16, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |KNL-CV24-6068866-S



Jul 17, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |KNL-CV24-6068892-S



May 29, 2024 |S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) |KNL-CV24-6067865-S



Sep 14, 2023 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |KNL-CV23-6063470-S



Mar 15, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |KNL-CV24-6066517-S



Feb 14, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |KNL-CV24-6065929-S



Jul 15, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |KNL-CV24-6068853-S



How to respond to motion for default judgement? ›

The response must be a formal written response filed in court and served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect the defendant. If a defendant fails to respond, the plaintiff may ask the court to enter a default, cutting off the defendant's time to respond.

How does a default judgement affect you? ›

After a default judgment, the Plaintiff will try to collect the money you owe. The Plaintiff may be able to take money from your paycheck or bank account and put a lien on your property. If you don't have any assets to pay the debt, you can let the Plaintiff. They may give up or try to collect in the future.

What would cause a defendant to be subject to a judgment of default? ›

If the defendant didn't file a response by the deadline, you can ask the court to enter a default. A default ends the defendant's chance to file a response because the defendant has not responded in time.

What must be filed by a defendant to prevent a default Judgement? ›

A motion to set aside the entry of default must be filed before the court has entered a default judgment.

Why would a default judgement be denied? ›

ORDER DENYING MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND GRANTING MOTION TO DISMISS - 4 the Court should consider the following factors: (1) the merits of the plaintiff's claim; (2) the sufficiency of the complaint; (3) the amount of money at stake in the action; (4) the possibility of prejudice to the plaintiff; (5) the ...

How do you negotiate a default Judgement? ›

You have four main options to deal with a default judgment:
  1. Accept the judgment.
  2. Settle the judgment for less.
  3. Challenge the judgment.
  4. Pursue debt relief.
Jul 10, 2024

Does a default judgment go on your credit report? ›

You don't have to worry about judgments affecting your credit score directly, as they don't appear on your credit report. However, to maintain good standing with lenders and other financial institutions, it's essential to pay back your debts when you can.

Can you still negotiate after judgement? ›

Yes! It's never too late to negotiate. The process of trying to grab your money or property to pay a judgment can be quite time-consuming and burdensome for a judgment creditor. Also, the creditor might fear that you'll lose or quit your job due to a wage attachment or that you'll file for bankruptcy.

Can a creditor get a judgement without me knowing? ›

If your wages are being garnished unexpectedly, you might be facing a judgment from a debt collection lawsuit that you weren't aware of. This can happen if you didn't receive the original summons due to an outdated address or improper service, or if you missed a court date.

How do you avoid default judgment? ›

SET ASIDE DEFAULT: A defendant can petition the Court to set aside the default. This is a noticed motion before the Court seeking to ask the Court to remove the default and allow the defendant to answer the pleading as if no default was ever taken.

What makes a judgement invalid? ›

Judgment is a void judgment if court that rendered judgment lacked jurisdiction of the subject matter, or of the parties, or acted in a manner inconsistent with due process, Fed. Rules Civ.

What is an example of a default judgement? ›

For example, let's say Annie files a lawsuit against Bridget. Bridget appears in court to argue her side of the case, but Annie forgets to go to court. The judge enters a default judgment against Annie and dismisses the lawsuit because Annie did not show up in court.

What is the remedy for default judgments? ›

If you do not think the default judgment was appropriately entered against you, you must file a motion with the court asking the judge to “set aside” (void or nullify) the judgment. If the judge grants your motion, the case starts back up again.

What is excusable neglect in law? ›

Excusable neglect is a term associated with legal proceedings, notably in bankruptcy cases, that includes inadvertence, mistakes, carelessness, or any other intervening circ*mstances beyond a party's control. A court has the discretion to allow a party to file a motion after the deadline if it finds excusable neglect.

What happens after a motion for default is filed in Florida? ›

Generally, a default allows you to obtain an earlier final hearing to finish your case. Once the default is signed by the clerk, you can request a trial or final hearing in your case.

How to respond to a notice of default? ›

If you receive a notice of default, contact your servicer as soon as possible to explore relief or repayment options.

How do I argue against a motion for summary judgment? ›

Consider the following five approaches:
  1. Show that the motion fails to list the specific facts and law supporting summary judgment. ...
  2. Show that a dispute exists on a material fact. ...
  3. Show that the law does not support judgment on the undisputed facts.
May 10, 2021

How to write a response to a motion for summary judgment? ›

It should contain a strong legal argument, with references to the facts as well as to legal authorities such as case opinions and statutes. When supporting your argument with facts, make sure every fact you rely upon is supported by admissible evidence.

How to Answer a judgement against you? ›

There is a deadline to file your Answer form

You must fill out an Answer, serve the other side's attorney, and file your Answer form with the court within 30 days. If you don't, the creditor can ask for a default. If there's a default, the court won't let you file an Answer and can decide the case without you.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.