Insight - 2021 The Times They Are A Changing - University of Utah School of Medicine (2024)

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insightOtolarynogolgy Head and Neck Surgery 2021 2021 The Times They Are A Changing

W e l com e N e w P r o v id e r s Neil Patel, MD, is an Assistant Sarah Drejet, MD, is an Message From Our New Interim Chief Jason Hunt, MD Professor of Neurotology and Skull Assistant Professor of Head and First and foremost, I would like completing a Head and Neck/Microvascular fellowship at Base Surgery within the Division of Neck Surgical Oncology and Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Microvascular Reconstructive to congratulate my mentor, Vanderbilt University following my Otolaryngology training Surgery at the University of Utah. Surgery within the Division of friend and colleague, Clough at Louisiana State University in New Orleans. I have served Dr. Patel completed both his Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Shelton, MD, on his upcoming as the Clinical Director for the Section of Head and Neck fellowship in Otology/Neurotology Surgery at the University of Utah. retirement. I thank him for his Surgical Oncology since 2007, during which time we have and Skull Base Surgery and his Dr. Drejet completed her many years of service that has experienced the same strong growth as the rest of the residency training in Otolaryngology fellowship training in Head – Head and Neck Surgery at and Neck and Microvascular created a division that fosters division. I am pleased to be part of a nationally recognized, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Reconstructive Surgery under the and exemplifies excellence transformative healthcare system that delivers world-class Minnesota. He has a strong interest in the treatment of skull instruction of Dr. James Netterville at Vanderbilt University in patient care, enhanced care and a division and department that are nationally base tumors including vestibular schwannoma (acoustic in Nashville, Tennessee. She completed her residency in education and research recognized. I look forward to furthering our mission of neuroma), glomus jugulare, and cochlear implantation. With Otolaryngology at Indiana University. Through her training, productivity. His leadership excellence in patient care, education, and research here at nearly 50 peer-reviewed publications, he has a particular she has benefited from having passionate and supportive and support has allowed the University of Utah Health. interest in hearing preservation and maximizing quality of life. mentors and is excited to continue that tradition. She He completed his undergraduate work in biomedical performs the breadth of head and neck surgical operationsfor my own professional growth as it has for so many others. engineering at Duke University and went on to complete and has a strong interest in global health. She previouslyOver the years, he has expanded our expertise by recruiting On behalf of the division and all of the University of Utah medical school at the University of Illinois, during which time provided surgical support to hospitals in Africa and isextraordinary clinical and research talent. Our faculty, staff, and family, I would like to sincerely thank Dr. Shelton for 17 he was inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society and now looking to establish international connections thatresidents could not be more proud of his contributions to our wonderful years of patient care, innovation, and leadership. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. will ultimately lead to programs training and supportingfield and healthcare system. Because of Dr. Shelton’s leadership Dr. Patel’s clinical interests in otology/neurotology include surgeons abroad. skull base tumors, facial nerve tumors, cochlear implantation She obtained an undergraduate degree inand successes, the division is incredibly strong and filled with Sincerely, in adults and children, otosclerosis (stapes surgery), Integrative Biology from the University of California atextremely talented individuals that will continue our mission cerebrospinal fluid leaks and encephaloceles, skull base Berkeley and went on to medical school at Jeffersonand exceed all expectations. bony dysplasia, middle ear disease including cholesteatoma, Medical College (now Sidney Kimmel Medical College) neurofibromatosis type 2, and ear and temporal bone cancer. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.It is my distinct honor to serve as the incoming Interim Jason P. Hunt, MD, FACSChief of the Division of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Professor and Interim Chief of Otolaryngology R e sid e n t s & F e l l ows on t h e mo v eSurgery. I joined University of Utah Health in 2006 after Head and Neck Surgery Residents Ian Newberry, MD Pediatric Otolaryngology & Craniofacial at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) Brandon Cardon, MD joining Southern Utah ENT in St. George, Utah Alana Aylward Head & Neck and Microvascular fellowship at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Fellows Breanne Schiffer, MD has accepted a Laryngology faculty position with University of Utah Health. Quinn Orb, MD has accepted a Pediatric Otolaryngology faculty position with University of Utah Health. Gabriel Dunya, MD We are still awaiting Dr. Otolaryngology-HNS Faculty Dunya’s plans for the future.

Dr. Muntz Retires Fa r e w e l l After More Than 20 Jeremiah Alt, MD, PhD is inaugural Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Years Of Service! An event like this brings News & World Report Inclusion (DEI) reflections on the past has ranked us in the top and speculation on the 50 programs four times We are pleased to announce future. When I recently since 2010. In 2017, we the Department of Surgery has announced that I was were recognized as one appointed Dr. Jeremiah Alt, MD, stepping down, several of the country’s top 20 PhD as the inaugural Vice Chair faculty members Otolaryngology programs. for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion remembered fondly how (DEI). Dr. Alt’s personal experience, much our organization We are beginning the process passion, and leadership skills make has grown. I joined the to become an independent him perfectly suited for this role. The University of Utah in 1994. department, which is a Division of Otolaryngology - Head At that point, we were a complex task that will take and Neck Surgery applauds Dr. Alt small program with two approximately 18 months. for agreeing to serve in this role and residents per year that Guiding our transition to an stand by him, the Department of Surgery and our healthcare provided clinical services independent department was institution in shaping a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture. at the University Hospital, the final task that I wished to Our division would like to Primary Children’s complete as Chief. However, recognize Dr. Harlan Muntz for Medical Center, and the Mrs. Shelton is anxious for me Dr. Richard Orlandi serves as his faithful and exceptional VA. The program was to step down and get on with the Associate Chief Medical service provided to our patients so small, we had our the next phase of our life. I Officer for Ambulatory Health for and community over the faculty meetings in my former office, three of us know her well enough that I cannot put her off for University of Utah Health past 20 years. During his time squeezed together on a couch. I guess that was 18 months. I had hoped here, Dr. Muntz has made the ultimate a teambuilding experience. to be the first chairman Early in the pandemic UofU noteworthy contributions to our of the Department Health was quick to respond to division by teaching residents in Dr. Kim Davis, the Chief of Otolaryngology at COVID-19. Dr. Orlandi worked rapidly pediatric ENT. Dr. Muntz’s past at the time, enlarged the the University of Utah. to facilitate drive-thru test sites at the research was mainly focused program and hired faculty I now realize that will University of Utah outpatient clinics and on children’s sinus problems with subspecialty training. not happen, but I will create evidence-based protocols for and cleft palate speech We also increased our be cheering from the safe clinic visits. He has coordinated problems, but influenced practice sites. I became sidelines. with health systems throughout the many other areas of pediatric Chief in 2004. Starting state in expanding COVID-19 testing and is also responsible for ENT including pediatric sleep from a position of I am confident that testing on the University of Utah’s campus. Dr. Orlandi and other UofU American Otolo gical Society Aw apnea. The Cleft Palate strength, we continued Dr. Jason Hunt will of Merit Brad We ard Health leaders were recently recognized by the White House “for presenting to Dr. lling President of AOS Center at the Mission of Mercy to develop the program. provide extraordinary Shelton outstanding achievement in support of the White House Medical Unit Hospital and Research Center We are fortunate to leadership to our and the Vice-President of the United States” for their work during the in Kolkata (Calcutta) India, have a terrific team of Division, and he will carry the Otolaryngology torch vice-presidential debate in October. the first Smile Train Accredited to r Ho w ar d P. dedicated individuals, to the Department Finish Line. As a department, with his men cleft center in NortheasternDr. Shelton’s llowship at th eHouse, MD, du rin g hi s Fe which has allowed we have the potential to become one of the best Throughout the pandemic Dr. Orlandi has partnered with infectious g Clinic, Los Angeles India, has benefited from Dr.House Hearin us to accomplish programs in the country. disease and epidemiology experts to make sure UofU Health providers, Muntz’s technical expertise and amazing things. Together, we staff, and patients remain safe. As the pandemic has lingered, he has excellence by fostering a great have doubled the number of trainees and nearly I wish to thank you all for your contributions to focused on the preventative outpatient care many patients initially put relationship between Utah ENT’s doubled the number of faculty members. Our develop our program to its current state. The 17 off, like cancer screenings and chronic health maintenance. and ENT’s in India. Our division current NIH research years as Chief have been is truly grateful for Dr. Muntz’s support puts us in the the most fulfilling in my long More recently, as vaccines have become available, Dr. Orlandi’s many contributions to our field top 20 Otolaryngology career. It has been an honor work with COVID-19 has expanded into patient vaccination. and his efforts to help ensure programs. The residency to work with you, and we He heads a team of health system leaders that are creating a a consistent high standard of program has had should all be very proud of vaccination effort for UofU Health’s most at-risk patients, again quality care. continuous accreditation, our current program and coordinating with the State Department of Health. with a first attempt board optimistic about the future as Our best wishes and thoughts pass rate of 100%. U.S. a department. Thank you Dr. Orlandi for all your hard work and leading us in these are with Dr. Muntz and his tough times. family for happiness throughout his retirement!

D i v i s i o n o f O t o l ar y n g o l o g y , As COVID-19 spread to Utah, our faculty, staff and residents rallied and worked together. There was a lot Head and Neck Surgery of change, new information and uncertainty about the future, however as a group everyone stepped F ac u l t y a n d S t aff S t e p Up t o up in many ways to COVID-19. Kirk Hughs the Director of Outpatient Services and C O V ID - 1 9 University Hospital Administration did an outstanding job keeping everyone informed. In many ways, our faculty and staff have all become experts in the virtual visit world now! Give them any platform – Zoom, Telehealth and MyChart and they can do it! Jacquie, who is a registered nurse that started with us in February 2020, was deployed to the COVID-19 units after 3 weeks and stayed there for about 4 months. Jaquie, RN, and Lei, RN, have been steady volunteers on the weekends and days off, working in the COVID-19 testing centers through the hot summer months. Jaquie, RN, Lei, RN, Dennis, RN, Xochi, MA John L, RN, and Kris, RN, have all volunteered and spent time in the Pre-COVID-19 testing centers. John, RN, volunteered to work almost a month without a day off, working the weekend COVID-19 vaccine clinic. Lei, RN, currently is volunteering to oversee the University of Utah Pre-Covid-19 testing clinic amongst keeping current with clinic duties. Dr. Marshall Smith did not miss one procedure week due to the critical nature of his patient’s airways. Our faculty and staff first started with wearing PAPR’s for all patient visits with scope exams and even some ear exams in clinic. Currently, our faculty and staff are using N95’s comfortably and all the clinic exam rooms have HEPA filters. Additionally, we are pleased to be back to 90-100% capacity of patients seen. Additionally, this year our division were able to welcome several new providers amongst all the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic. In some ways it was the slowest year but in others it flew by. By the time January 2021 came around all of our faculty, staff and residents had been vaccinated! Thank you to our providers, staff and residents for all of your hard work and dedication!

Division of Otolaryngology 50 N. Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84132AchievementsDr. Jeremy Meier and Dr. Richard Gur- about this research, feel free to reach out (ASHA) during her service as Editor ingel have completed their Triological to Dr. Gurgel directly at Richard.gurgel@ Chief of the AJSLP journal from 2018 untilSociety Thesis and will be inducted as 2020. Julie’s commitment in serving theFellows in the society during the 123rd Dr. Michael Deans was awarded the R01 association has aided and advancedannual COSM meeting. Grant titled “Mechanisms of PCP Signal- the profession. Members, like Julie, areDr. Richard Gurgel was awarded the R21 ing in Axon Guidance and Cochlear In- the pillar of the association and have“Do cochlear implants mitigate the risk of nervation.” Type II spiral ganglion neurons contributed significantly to the profes-Alzheimer’s disease dementia and improve innervate the outer hair cells of the co- sional growth and stature of ASHA.neuropsychological well-being in older chlea and have nociceptive character- Dr. Eric Cerrati has been recognized foradults?” This grant awarded to Dr. Gurgel istics that enable them to detect hair cell his specialized expertise in the field of(principal investigator) is focused on deter- loss or damage. This project will define cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.mining whether treating severe-profound developmental mechanisms guiding co- The Park City, Utah community recentlyhearing loss in older patients will protect chlear innervation by studying these type voted for Dr.Eric Cerrati as one of thethem against Alzheimer’s disease demen- II neurons and the axon guidance events city’s Best Plastic Surgeons in the localtia. The project brings together a multidis- that turn their peripheral axons towards magazine›s 2020 People’s Choice edi-ciplinary team with experts in population the cochlear base in order to contact tion. Dr.Eric Cerrati is a double board-science, epidemiology, neurology, and multiple outer hair cells. Understanding certified facial plastic surgeon and abiostatistics to answer questions about how these developmental mechanisms is nec- well-respected specialist in the field ofhearing loss affects older adults.They will essary for the repair of auditory circuits fol- cosmetic plastic and reconstructive sur-be utilizing the Utah Population Database, lowing acoustic trauma and to promote gery. As a plastic surgeon who focusesa unique resource in Utah that has data cochlear re-innervation during the course on the face and neck, Dr. Cerrati useson over 11 million patients. Dr. Gurgel and of regeneration-based deafness therapy. the most advanced and cutting-edgehis team hope to put together an analysis Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, PhD has techniques to provide long-lasting, el-of the largest group of older cochlear im- made valuable contributions to the egant results.plant patients ever studied.To learn more American Speech-Hearing AssociationDivision of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck SurgeryThe University of Utah’s Division of Otolaryngology is committed to the exceptional treatment of hearing loss, sinus, and allergy prob-lems, cancer tumors, voice disorders, and facial plastic reconstruction in both adults and children. Our physicians treat those who expe-rience disease and pain in the ear, nose, and throat. We seek to help people hear again, correct birth defects, reestablish comfortablebreathing, rehabilitate facial paralysis, improve overall quality of life, and save the lives of those who suffer from head and neck tumorsand related conditions. Our dedication to constant improvement will continue to bring hope to those who suffer from these conditions. Schedule a General Otolaryngology appointment: Call 801-587-8368 Schedule a Facial Plastic Surgery Otolaryngology appointment: Call 801-587-2173 Pediatric Otolaryngology/Ent: Call 801-662-1740 Head & Neck Cancer: Call 801-587-7000

Insight - 2021 The Times They Are A Changing - University of Utah School of Medicine (2024)


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